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Developer's Report: Firebird ADO.NET Data Provider
February to May 2013
Work in general:
Few bugfixes. Replayed commits from old repository to new, as some
were lost. Work on Entity Framework 6 support (work-in-progress).
Tracker items with some work:
DNET-504, DNET-500, DNET-499, DNET-498, DNET-497, DNET-496, DNET-489,
DNET-487, DNET-485, DNET-481, DNET-480, DNET-466, DNET-457, DNET-454,
DNET-402, DNET-387, DNET-359, DNET-316

Jiri Cincura
Brno, Czech Republic
February to May 2013
Work in general:
Few bugfixes. Replayed commits from old repository to new, as some
were lost. Work on Entity Framework 6 support (work-in-progress).
Tracker items with some work:
DNET-504, DNET-500, DNET-499, DNET-498, DNET-497, DNET-496, DNET-489,
DNET-487, DNET-485, DNET-481, DNET-480, DNET-466, DNET-457, DNET-454,
DNET-402, DNET-387, DNET-359, DNET-316

Jiri Cincura
Brno, Czech Republic