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Developer's Report: Firebird ODBC driver
July 2012 to January 2013

Fixes from Tracker for 2.0.2 sub-release you can find here.
I want to include into  the ODBC driver release the "Boolean" type support (FB 3 feature) and I want to do full driver testing with Firebird 3.


I consider v.2.0.1 to be the stable version, so I don't want to make a sub-release without FB 3 support for now.


Alexander Potapchenko
Murom, Russian Federation
July 2012 to January 2013

Fixes from Tracker for 2.0.2 sub-release you can find here.
I want to include into  the ODBC driver release the "Boolean" type support (FB 3 feature) and I want to do full driver testing with Firebird 3.


I consider v.2.0.1 to be the stable version, so I don't want to make a sub-release without FB 3 support for now.


Alexander Potapchenko
Murom, Russian Federation