Class GDSFactory

  • public class GDSFactory
    extends java.lang.Object
    The class GDSFactory exists to provide a way to obtain objects implementing GDS and Clumplet.
    David Jencks, Mark Rotteveel
    • Constructor Detail

      • GDSFactory

        public GDSFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • registerPlugin

        public static void registerPlugin​(GDSFactoryPlugin plugin)
        Register plugin for this factory. Usually there is no need to register plugins, since this happens automatically during initialization of this class. However, there might be a situation when automatic plugin registration does not work.
        plugin - instance of GDSFactoryPlugin to register.
      • getDefaultGDSType

        public static GDSType getDefaultGDSType()
        Get default GDS type.
        instance of GDSType.
      • getDatabasePath

        public static java.lang.String getDatabasePath​(GDSType gdsType,
                                                       java.lang.String server,
                                                       java.lang.Integer port,
                                                       java.lang.String path)
                                                throws GDSException
        Get connection string for the specified server name, port and database name/path. This method delegates call to the factory plugin corresponding to the specified type.
        gdsType - instance of GDSType for which connection string should be returned.
        server - name or IP address of the database server, applies only to IPC and TCP connection modes, in other cases should be null.
        port - port on which database server opened listening socket, applies to TCP connection mode only, may be null.
        path - database name or path to the database
        full connection string
        GDSException - if connection string cannot be obtained.
      • getDatabasePath

        public static java.lang.String getDatabasePath​(GDSType gdsType,
                                                       java.lang.String jdbcUrl)
                                                throws GDSException
        Get path to the database from the specified JDBC URL. This method finds the appropriate plugin and delegates the call to it. Plugin is responsible for the call execution.
        gdsType - type of the plugin, to which operation will be delegated to.
        jdbcUrl - JDBC url from which the database path must be extracted.
        path to the database specified in the JDBC URL.
        GDSException - error when database path cannot be extracted.
      • getSupportedProtocols

        public static java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getSupportedProtocols()
        Get collection of the supported JDBC protocols.
        set of the supported protocols.
      • getJdbcUrl

        public static java.lang.String getJdbcUrl​(GDSType gdsType,
                                                  java.lang.String databasePath)
        Create JDBC URL for the specified GDS type and database path.
        gdsType - type of the plugin, to which operation will be delegated to.
        databasePath - path to the database.
        newly created JDBC URL.
      • getTypeForProtocol

        public static GDSType getTypeForProtocol​(java.lang.String jdbcUrl)
        Get GDS type for the specified JDBC URL. This method finds the plugin corresponding to the specified type and delegates the call to it.
        jdbcUrl - JDBC URL for which GDS type should be obtained.
        instance of GDSType.
      • getConnectionClass

        public static java.lang.Class<?> getConnectionClass​(GDSType gdsType)
        Get class extending the FBConnection that will be instantiated when new connection is created. This method finds the plugin for the specified type and delegates the call to it.
        gdsType - instance of GDSType
        class to instantiate for the database connection.