Class DefaultDatabaseListener

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void detached​(FbDatabase database)
      Called when the database connection has been detached
      void detaching​(FbDatabase database)
      Called before the database will be detached.
      void warningReceived​(FbDatabase database, java.sql.SQLWarning warning)
      Called when a warning was received for the database connection.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultDatabaseListener

        public DefaultDatabaseListener()
    • Method Detail

      • detaching

        public void detaching​(FbDatabase database)
        Description copied from interface: DatabaseListener
        Called before the database will be detached.

        This event is intended for cleanup action, implementer should take care that no exceptions are thrown from this method.

        Specified by:
        detaching in interface DatabaseListener
        database - The database object that is detaching
      • detached

        public void detached​(FbDatabase database)
        Description copied from interface: DatabaseListener
        Called when the database connection has been detached
        Specified by:
        detached in interface DatabaseListener
        database - The database object that was detached
      • warningReceived

        public void warningReceived​(FbDatabase database,
                                    java.sql.SQLWarning warning)
        Description copied from interface: DatabaseListener
        Called when a warning was received for the database connection.

        In implementation it is possible that some warnings are not sent to listeners on the database, but only to listeners on specific connection derived objects (like an FbStatement implementation).

        Specified by:
        warningReceived in interface DatabaseListener
        database - Database receiving the warning
        warning - Warning