Interface StatementListener

    • Method Detail

      • receivedRow

        void receivedRow​(FbStatement sender,
                         RowValue rowValue)
        Method to be notified of a new row of data.
        sender - The FbStatement that called this method.
        rowValue - The row values.
      • allRowsFetched

        void allRowsFetched​(FbStatement sender)
        Method to be notified when all rows have been fetched.

        This method may also be called when the statement did not produce any rows (or did not open a result set).

        sender - The FbStatement that called this method.
        See Also:
        statementExecuted(FbStatement, boolean, boolean)
      • statementExecuted

        void statementExecuted​(FbStatement sender,
                               boolean hasResultSet,
                               boolean hasSingletonResult)
        Method to be notified when a statement has been executed.

        This event with hasResultSet=true can be seen as the counter part of allRowsFetched(FbStatement).

        sender - The FbStatement that called this method.
        hasResultSet - true there is a result set, false there is no result set
        hasSingletonResult - true singleton result, false statement will produce indeterminate number of rows; can be ignored when hasResultSet is false.
      • statementStateChanged

        void statementStateChanged​(FbStatement sender,
                                   StatementState newState,
                                   StatementState previousState)
        Method to be notified when the state of a statement has changed.
        sender - The FbStatement that called this method.
        newState - The new state of the statement
        previousState - The old state of the statement
      • warningReceived

        void warningReceived​(FbStatement sender,
                             java.sql.SQLWarning warning)
        Called when a warning was received for the sender statement.
        sender - Statement receiving the warning
        warning - Warning
      • sqlCounts

        void sqlCounts​(FbStatement sender,
                       SqlCountHolder sqlCounts)
        Called when the SQL counts of a statement have been retrieved.
        sender - Statement that called this method
        sqlCounts - SQL counts