Class V10WireOperations

    • Method Detail

      • enqueueDeferredAction

        public void enqueueDeferredAction​(DeferredAction deferredAction)
        Description copied from interface: FbWireOperations
        Enqueue a deferred action.

        FbDatabase implementations that do not support deferred actions are allowed to throw an UnsupportedOperationException

        deferredAction - Deferred action
      • processDeferredActions

        public void processDeferredActions()
        Description copied from interface: FbWireOperations
        Processes any deferred actions. Protocol versions that do not support deferred actions should simply do nothing.
      • authReceiveResponse

        public void authReceiveResponse​(FbWireAttachment.AcceptPacket acceptPacket,
                                        DbCryptCallback dbCryptCallback,
                                        FbWireOperations.ProcessAttachCallback processAttachCallback)
        Description copied from interface: FbWireOperations
        Receive authentication response from the server.

        This method is only relevant for protocol V13 or higher.

        acceptPacket - Packet with op_cond_accept data, or null when the data should be read from the connection.
        dbCryptCallback - Database encryption callback (ignored by protocols v12 and lower)
        processAttachCallback - Callback for processing the final attach response
        Throws: - For errors reading the response from the connection.
        java.sql.SQLException - For errors returned from the server, or when attempting to read.