Class TypeMetadata

  • public class TypeMetadata
    extends java.lang.Object
    Helper class to determine type metadata conforming to expectations of DatabaseMetaData.
    Mark Rotteveel
    • Method Detail

      • getJdbcType

        public int getJdbcType()
        The Types or JaybirdTypeCodes code for this datatype
      • getSqlTypeName

        public java.lang.String getSqlTypeName()
        The SQL datatype name, returns "NULL" if the type is unknown
      • getColumnSize

        public java.lang.Integer getColumnSize()
        Returns the column size (precision) of the type.

        The value returned follows the definition used in DatabaseMetaData, as established in DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(String, String, String, String) for COLUMN_SIZE. The same definition is used for database metadata columns PRECISION in, among others, DatabaseMetaData.getFunctionColumns(String, String, String, String).

        This method will also return any non-zero precision information stored for other datatypes than those listed in the COLUMN_SIZE definition in the JDBC API.

        The column size as defined in DatabaseMetaData, or null.
      • getLength

        public java.lang.Integer getLength()
        The field length in bytes
      • getScale

        public java.lang.Integer getScale()
        Returns the scale of the field.

        For numerical types, returns a zero or positive scale. For types without scale, it returns null, for types that have a non-zero scale in the Firebird metadata, it returns the scale as stored.

        The scale of a field, or null.
      • getRadix

        public int getRadix()
        The radix of numerical precision (either 2 or 10; returns 10 for non-numerical, non-boolean types.
      • getCharOctetLength

        public java.lang.Integer getCharOctetLength()
        The maximum number of bytes for a character type column, null otherwise
      • builder

        public static TypeMetadata.Builder builder​(FirebirdSupportInfo supportInfo)
        Creates type metadata builder.
        supportInfo - Firebird support info
        Builder for type metadata
      • getDataType

        public static int getDataType​(int sqlType,
                                      int sqlSubType,
                                      int sqlScale,
                                      int characterSetId)
        Derives the JDBC data type from Types or JaybirdTypeCodes from metadata information.
        sqlType - Firebird type code as used in the metadata tables
        sqlSubType - Firebird sub-type code as used in the metadata tables
        sqlScale - Firebird scale as used in the metadata tables
        characterSetId - Character set id as used in the metadata tables
        JDBC data type code.
      • getDataTypeName

        public static java.lang.String getDataTypeName​(int sqlType,
                                                       int sqlSubType,
                                                       int sqlScale)
        Derives the JDBC/SQL type name from metadata information.
        sqlType - Firebird type code as used in the metadata tables
        sqlSubType - Firebird sub-type code as used in the metadata tables
        sqlScale - Firebird scale as used in the metadata tables
        JDBC/SQL type name