• Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  USER_SEC_DATA.ByReference  
      static class  USER_SEC_DATA.ByValue  
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure

        com.sun.jna.Structure.FieldOrder, com.sun.jna.Structure.StructField
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      com.sun.jna.Pointer dba_password
      the dba password
      C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      com.sun.jna.Pointer dba_user_name
      the dba user name
      C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      com.sun.jna.Pointer first_name
      the user's first name
      C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      int gid  
      com.sun.jna.Pointer group_name
      the group name
      C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      com.sun.jna.Pointer last_name
      the user's last name
      C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      com.sun.jna.Pointer middle_name
      the user's middle name
      C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      com.sun.jna.Pointer password
      the user's password
      C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      int protocol  
      short sec_flags  
      com.sun.jna.Pointer server
      server to administer
      C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      int uid  
      com.sun.jna.Pointer user_name
      the user's name
      C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      • Fields inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      protected java.util.List getFieldOrder()  
      • Methods inherited from class com.sun.jna.Structure

        allocateMemory, allocateMemory, autoAllocate, autoRead, autoRead, autoWrite, autoWrite, cacheTypeInfo, calculateSize, clear, createFieldsOrder, createFieldsOrder, createFieldsOrder, createFieldsOrder, dataEquals, dataEquals, ensureAllocated, equals, fieldOffset, getAutoRead, getAutoWrite, getFieldList, getFields, getNativeAlignment, getNativeSize, getNativeSize, getPointer, getStringEncoding, getStructAlignment, hashCode, newInstance, newInstance, read, readField, readField, setAlignType, setAutoRead, setAutoSynch, setAutoWrite, setStringEncoding, size, sortFields, toArray, toArray, toString, toString, useMemory, useMemory, write, writeField, writeField, writeField
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • sec_flags

        public short sec_flags
      • uid

        public int uid
      • gid

        public int gid
      • protocol

        public int protocol
      • server

        public com.sun.jna.Pointer server
        server to administer
        C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      • user_name

        public com.sun.jna.Pointer user_name
        the user's name
        C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      • password

        public com.sun.jna.Pointer password
        the user's password
        C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      • group_name

        public com.sun.jna.Pointer group_name
        the group name
        C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      • first_name

        public com.sun.jna.Pointer first_name
        the user's first name
        C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      • middle_name

        public com.sun.jna.Pointer middle_name
        the user's middle name
        C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      • last_name

        public com.sun.jna.Pointer last_name
        the user's last name
        C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      • dba_user_name

        public com.sun.jna.Pointer dba_user_name
        the dba user name
        C type : ISC_SCHAR*
      • dba_password

        public com.sun.jna.Pointer dba_password
        the dba password
        C type : ISC_SCHAR*
    • Constructor Detail


        public USER_SEC_DATA()
    • Method Detail

      • getFieldOrder

        protected java.util.List getFieldOrder()
        getFieldOrder in class com.sun.jna.Structure