All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAttachProperties<T extends IAttachProperties<T>> |
AbstractAttachProperties.PropertyUpdateListener |
Property update listener.
AbstractConnection<T extends IAttachProperties<T>,C extends FbAttachment> |
Abstract class with common logic for connections.
AbstractConnectionPropertiesDataSource |
AbstractEventHandle |
Abstract implementation for event handle.
AbstractFbAttachment<T extends AbstractConnection<? extends IAttachProperties<?>,? extends FbAttachment>> |
AbstractFbBlob |
AbstractFbDatabase<T extends AbstractConnection<IConnectionProperties,? extends FbDatabase>> |
Abstract implementation of FbDatabase with behavior common to the various
AbstractFbService<T extends AbstractConnection<IServiceProperties,? extends FbService>> |
Abstract service implementation.
AbstractFbStatement |
AbstractFbTransaction |
AbstractFbWireBlob |
AbstractFbWireDatabase |
Abstract class for operations common to all version of the wire protocol implementation.
AbstractFbWireInputBlob |
AbstractFbWireOutputBlob |
AbstractFbWireService |
Abstract service implementation for the wire protocol.
AbstractFbWireStatement |
AbstractFieldMetaData |
AbstractFieldMetaData.ExtendedFieldInfo |
This class is an old-fashion data structure that stores additional
information about fields in a database.
AbstractFieldMetaData.FieldKey |
This class should be used as a composite key in an internal field
mapping structures.
AbstractImmutableAttachProperties<T extends IAttachProperties<T>> |
AbstractListenerDispatcher<TListener> |
Dispatcher to maintain a list of listeners of type TListener
AbstractNativeDatabaseFactory |
Common implementation for client library and embedded database factory.
AbstractParameterConverter<D extends AbstractConnection<IConnectionProperties,?>,S extends AbstractConnection<IServiceProperties,?>> |
Abstract class for behavior common to ParameterConverter implementations.
AbstractProtocolDescriptor |
AbstractSrpAuthenticationPluginSpi |
Base class for SRP authentication plugin providers.
AbstractWireOperations |
Arc4EncryptionPlugin |
ARC4 encryption plugin (the wire encryption provided out-of-the-box in Firebird 3).
Arc4EncryptionPluginSpi |
ARC4 encryption plugin provider.
Argument |
Base class for arguments to the parameter buffer.
ArgumentType |
Argument metadata type.
AsynchronousChannelListener |
Listener interface for events on the asynchronous channel.
AsynchronousChannelListener.Event |
Event count notification
AsynchronousChannelListenerDispatcher |
AsynchronousProcessor |
Process asynchronous channels for notification of events.
AttachmentProperties |
Attachment properties shared by database and service connections.
AuthenticationPlugin |
Plugin for Firebird authentication.
AuthenticationPlugin.AuthStatus |
Status of authentication.
AuthenticationPluginSpi |
Service provider interface for authentication plugins.
BackupManager |
Implements the backup and restore functionality of Firebird Services API.
BaseGDSFactoryPlugin |
BaseProperties |
Base of the properties hierarchy; provides common API for setting properties by name.
BatchCompletion |
Completion data from a batch execute.
BatchCompletion.DetailedError |
BatchCompletionResponse |
BatchItems |
Constants for batch items and values (batch config, blob policy and information items).
BatchParameterBuffer |
Represents a batch parameter buffer, for Firebird 4 and higher batch configuration.
BatchParameterBufferImp |
Batch parameter buffer implementation.
BigEndianDatatypeCoder |
Datatype encoder and decoder for big endian platforms, specifically for use with the Firebird client library.
BigIntArgument |
Argument implementation for bigint (long) values.
BlobConfig |
Firebird configuration for a blob.
BlobLengthProcessor |
Blob information processor for retrieving blob length.
BlobListenableField |
Field which expects a blob listener.
BlobParameterBuffer |
BlobParameterBufferImp |
Implementation of BlobParameterBuffer.
BlrCalculator |
Interface for calculating the blr (binary language representation) of a row.
BlrConstants |
Constants for the blr.
BpbItems |
Constants for BPB (blob parameter buffer) items.
BpbItems.TypeValues |
ByteArgument |
Argument implementation for byte values.
ByteArrayArgument |
Argument implementation for byte arrays.
ByteArrayHelper |
Helper methods for byte arrays.
ChaChaEncryptionPlugin |
ChaCha (ChaCha-20) encryption plugin (introduced in Firebird 4.0)
ChaChaEncryptionPluginSpi |
ChaCha (ChaCha-20) encryption plugin provider
ClasspathFirebirdEmbeddedLibrary |
ClasspathFirebirdEmbeddedResource |
Defines how to locate the resources of a Firebird Embedded library on the classpath.
Clause |
Condition clause for constructing metadata query conditions.
ClientAuthBlock |
Manages client authentication with multiple pluginProviders.
ClumpletReader |
Reader for clumplets, similar to the implementation ClumpletReader.cpp .
ClumpletReader.ClumpletType |
ClumpletReader.Kind |
CompletionReason |
Reasons for statement (or other resources) completion.
ConnectionParameterBuffer |
ConnectionProperty |
A Jaybird connection property.
ConnectionProperty.Builder |
ConnectionPropertyDefinerSpi |
Service provider interface to define connection properties in Jaybird.
ConnectionPropertyRegistry |
Registry of connection properties available to Jaybird.
ConnectionPropertyType |
Basic connection property types supported by Jaybird.
CryptSessionConfig |
Interface for the encryption/decryption session config for wire protocol encryption for a specific plugin.
CursorFlag |
Cursor flags.
DatabaseConnectionProperties |
Properties for database connections.
DatabaseEvent |
An interface for retrieving information about events that have occurred
DatabaseListener |
Listener for database events.
DatabaseListenerDispatcher |
DatabaseParameterBuffer |
Instance of this interface represents a Database Parameter Buffer from the
Firebird API documentation and specifies the attributes for the
current connection.
DatabaseParameterBufferImp |
Implementation for DatabaseParameterBuffer.
DatabaseParameterBufferImp.DpbMetaData |
DataSourceFactory |
ObjectFactory for the DataSources in org.firebirdsql.ds.
DatatypeCoder |
Interface defining the encoding and decoding for Firebird (numerical) data types.
DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct |
DbAttachInfo |
Container for attachment information (ie server, port and filename/alias/service name/url).
DbCryptCallback |
Plugin for Firebird database encryption callback.
DbCryptCallbackSpi |
Service provider interface for database encryption callback plugins.
DbCryptData |
Data of a database encryption key callback (or reply).
DbMetadataMediator |
Provides access to the database connection for executing database metadata queries.
DbMetadataMediator.MetadataQuery |
Holder class for query text and parameters.
Decimal<T extends Decimal<T>> |
Abstract base class for IEEE-754 decimals.
Decimal128 |
An IEEE-754 Decimal128.
Decimal32 |
An IEEE-754 Decimal32.
Decimal64 |
An IEEE-754 Decimal64.
DecimalInconvertibleException |
Thrown to indicate a decimal value could not be converted to a target type (usually BigDecimal ).
DecimalOverflowException |
Exception thrown to indicate a coefficient or exponent overflow or underflow.
DecimalType |
Type of decimal.
DefaultBlrCalculator |
Default BLR calculator for the wire protocol.
DefaultDatabaseListener |
DefaultDatatypeCoder |
The default datatype coder.
DefaultEncodingDefinition |
Definition of a Firebird encoding.
DefaultEncodingSet |
The default encoding set for Jaybird.
DefaultStatementListener |
DeferredAction |
Interface for processing deferred responses from the server.
DeferredResponse<T> |
Interface for receiving deferred/async responses.
DenselyPackedDecimalCodec |
Provides conversion between Densely Packed Decimal encoding and BigInteger .
DisposableFirebirdEmbeddedLibrary |
Firebird Embedded library that needs to be disposed on exit.
DpbItems |
Constants for DPB (database parameter buffer) items.
DpbType |
Identifies the database (or service attach) parameter buffer type of a connection property.
EmbeddedGDSFactoryPlugin |
Encoding |
Encoding translates between a Java string and a byte array for a specific (Firebird) encoding.
EncodingDefinition |
Definition of a Firebird encoding.
EncodingFactory |
EncodingSet |
EncodingSet is an interface for the purpose of loading EncodingDefinition mappings into
EncodingSpecificDatatypeCoder |
Datatype coder wrapping another datatype coder and applying a specific encoding definition, while delegating other
methods to the wrapped datatype coder.
EncryptionIdentifier |
Identifier of an encryption type + plugin.
EncryptionInitInfo |
The initial initialization information of an encryption plugin.
EncryptionInitInfo.InitResult |
EncryptionPlugin |
Plugin for Firebird wire encryption.
EncryptionPluginSpi |
Service provider interface for wire encryption plugins.
EventHandle |
Handle to internal event-handling structures.
EventHandler |
A callback handler interface for event handling.
EventListener |
An interface for callbacks in response to Firebird events
EventManager |
An interface for registering EventListener instances to listen for database events.
ExceptionHelper |
Helpers for exception handling
ExceptionListenable |
ExceptionListener |
Listener for notifications of SQL Exceptions that occurred in the object listened on.
ExceptionListenerDispatcher |
ExecutionPlanProcessor |
InfoProcessor to retrieve the (normal) execution plan of a statement.
FatalErrorHelper |
Helper class for the exception handling in XCA framework.
FBAbstractCommonDataSource |
Abstract class for properties and behaviour common to DataSources, XADataSources and ConnectionPoolDataSources
FbAttachment |
Connection to a Firebird server (to a database or service).
FBBackupManager |
Implements the backup and restore functionality of Firebird Services API.
FBBackupManagerBase |
Implements the common functionality between regular and streaming backup/restore
FBBackupManagerBase.PathSizeStruct |
Structure that holds path to the database and corresponding size of the file (in case of backup - that is
size of the file in megabytes, in case of restore - size of the database file in pages).
FbBatchConfig |
Configuration for a Firebird 4+ batch.
FbBatchConfig.Immutable |
Class to provide an immutable copy of a batch config.
FbBlob |
Interface for blob operations.
FBBlob |
Firebird implementation of Blob .
FBBlob.Config |
Standard configuration for blobs.
FbBlob.SeekMode |
FBBlobInputStream |
An input stream for reading directly from a FBBlob instance.
FBBlobOutputStream |
OutputStream for writing Firebird blobs.
FBCachedBlob |
This class represents a cached blob field.
FBCachedClob |
Clob implementation that is cached client-side.
FBCallableStatement |
Implementation of CallableStatement .
FbClientDatabaseFactory |
Implementation of FbDatabaseFactory for establishing connection using the
Firebird native client library.
FbClientFeature |
Firebird native client features.
FbClientFeatureAccess |
Firebird client feature access.
FbClientLibrary |
JNA Wrapper for library implementing ibase.h.
FbClientLibrary.FbShutdownCallback |
FbShutdown callback.
FbClientLibrary.IscEventCallback |
IscEvent callback.
FBClob |
Implementation of Clob .
FBCloseableField |
Instances of this field have open resources and must be cleaned up.
FBCommandLine |
Created: Thu Oct 10 14:14:07 2002
FBConnection |
FBConnectionDefaults |
FBConnectionPoolDataSource |
Bare-bones implementation of ConnectionPoolDataSource .
FbConnectionProperties |
FBConnectionProperties |
FBConnectionRequestInfo |
The class FBConnectionRequestInfo holds connection-specific information such as user, password, and other
FbDatabase |
Connection handle to a database.
FbDatabaseFactory |
FBDatabaseMetaData |
Comprehensive information about the database as a whole.
FBDataSource |
The class FBDataSource is a ConnectionFactory for jdbc Connection objects.
FBDriver |
The Jaybird JDBC Driver implementation for the Firebird database.
FBDriverConsistencyCheckException |
Internal driver consistency check failed.
FBDriverNotCapableException |
Tell that driver is not able to serve the request due to missing capabilities.
FbEmbeddedDatabaseFactory |
Implementation of FbDatabaseFactory for establishing connection using the
Firebird embedded library.
FBEscapedCallParser |
Parser for escaped procedure call.
FBEscapedFunctionHelper |
Helper class for escaped functions.
FBEscapedParser |
The class FBEscapedParser parses the SQL and converts escaped syntax to native form.
FBEventManager |
An EventManager implementation to listen for database events.
FbExceptionBuilder |
Builder for exceptions received from Firebird.
FBField |
Base class for fields (for use by prepared statement and result set to represent columns and parameters).
FBFlushableField |
Instances of this field cache data in auto-commit case if no transaction is
yet available and must be flushed before transaction is committed.
FBFlushableField.CachedObject |
FbImmutableConnectionProperties |
FbImmutableServiceProperties |
FBIncorrectXidException |
This error is thrown when message read from the RDB$TRANSACTIONS table does not represent a serialized Xid.
FbLocalDatabaseFactory |
FBLocalTransaction |
The class FBLocalTransaction represent a local, not distributed, transaction.
FBLongVarCharField |
This is Blob-based implementation of FBStringField .
FBMaintenanceManager |
The FBMaintenanceManager class is responsible for replicating the functionality provided by
the gfix command-line tool.
FBManagedConnection |
A physical connection handle to a Firebird database, providing a XAResource .
FBManagedConnectionFactory |
FBManagedConnectionFactory is a factory for FBManagedConnection , and implements many of the internal
functions of FBManagedConnection.
FBManager |
A tool for creating and dropping databases.
FBManagerMBean |
API for FBManager , for creating and dropping databases.
FbMetadataConstants |
Constants for metadata as used in the Firebird metadata tables DatabaseMetaData implementation.
FBNBackupManager |
Implements the incremental backup and restore functionality of NBackup via the Firebird Services API.
FBObjectListener |
This interface defines set of listeners that will be called in different situations.
FBObjectListener.BlobListener |
Listener for the events generated by BLOBs.
FBObjectListener.FetcherListener |
FBObjectListener.NoActionBlobListener |
FBObjectListener.NoActionResultSetListener |
FBObjectListener.ResultSetListener |
Listener for the events generated by the result set.
FBObjectListener.StatementListener |
Listener for the events generated by statements.
FBParameterMetaData |
An object that can be used to get information about the types and properties for each parameter marker in a
PreparedStatement object.
FBPooledConnection |
FBPreparedStatement |
Implementation of PreparedStatement .
FBProcedureCall |
Represents procedure call.
FBProcedureParam |
Represents procedure call parameter.
FBResultSet |
Implementation of ResultSet .
FBResultSetMetaData |
An object that can be used to get information about the types and properties of the columns in
a ResultSet object.
FBResultSetNotUpdatableException |
Exception is thrown when trying to modify the non-updatable result set.
FBRowId |
Firebird row-id.
FBSavepoint |
Savepoint implementation.
FbService |
Connection handle to a service.
FBServiceManager |
An implementation of the basic Firebird Service API functionality.
FbServiceProperties |
FBSimpleDataSource |
This is a simple implementation of DataSource interface.
FBSQLEncryptException |
Exception that indicates encryption could not be initialized.
FBSQLException |
FBSQLExceptionInfo |
FBSQLParseException |
This exception is thrown by FBEscapedParser when it cannot parse the
escaped syntax.
FBStandAloneConnectionManager |
The class FBStandAloneConnectionManager provides the default implementation of FirebirdConnectionManager for
standalone use.
FbStatement |
API for statement handles.
FBStatement |
Implementation of Statement .
FBStatement.StatementResult |
The current result of a statement.
FBStatisticsManager |
The FBStatisticsManager class is responsible for replicating the functionality of
the gstat command-line tool.
FBStreamingBackupManager |
Implements the streaming version of the backup and restore functionality of
Firebird Services API.
FBTableStatisticsManager |
Provides access to the table statistics of a Connection .
FBTpb |
The FBTpb class represents the Firebird Transaction Parameter
Block (TPB), which contains Firebird-specific information about transaction
FBTpbMapper |
This class is provides mapping capabilities between standard JDBC
transaction isolation level and Firebird Transaction Parameters Block (TPB).
FBTraceManager |
Implements the Trace/Audit API available new in Firebird 2.5
FbTransaction |
Handle for a transaction.
FBUser |
A user in the Firebird Security Database.
FBUserManager |
Implements the display/add/delete/modify user functionality of the Firebird Services API.
FbWireAsynchronousChannel |
Interface for the asynchronous channel used for event notification.
FbWireAttachment |
FbWireAttachment.AcceptPacket |
Struct-like class, reduced equivalent of Firebird p_acpd so we can store data for handling op_cond_accept.
FbWireBlob |
FbWireDatabase |
FbWireDatabaseFactory |
FbWireOperations |
Common connection operations shared by database and service handles
FbWireOperations.ProcessAttachCallback |
FbWireService |
FbWireStatement |
Interface for Statements created for the wire protocol implementation.
FbWireTransaction |
Interface for transactions created for the wire protocol implementation.
FBXAConnection |
FBXADataSource |
Bare-bones implementation of XADataSource .
FBXAException |
Convenience exception that adds constructor taking message and error code
FetchDirection |
Direction of fetch.
FetchResponse |
FetchType |
Type of fetch.
FieldDataProvider |
Provider of the row data.
FieldDescriptor |
The class FieldDescriptor contains the column metadata of the XSQLVAR server
data structure used to describe one column for input or output.
FirebirdBlob |
Firebird Blob abstraction.
FirebirdBlob.BlobInputStream |
Blob input stream.
FirebirdBlob.BlobOutputStream |
Blob output stream.
FirebirdCallableStatement |
Firebird extension to the CallableStatement interface.
FirebirdConnection |
Extension of Connection interface providing access to Firebird specific features.
FirebirdConnectionProperties |
Connection properties for the Firebird connection.
FirebirdDatabaseMetaData |
Extension of DatabaseMetaData interface providing access to Firebird
specific features.
FirebirdDriver |
Extension of the Driver providing methods to set the
connection properties programmatically.
FirebirdEmbeddedLibrary |
Identifies a Firebird Embedded library that Jaybird can use.
FirebirdEmbeddedLoadingException |
Exception to signal errors when loading or identifying a Firebird Embedded library.
FirebirdEmbeddedLookup |
FirebirdEmbeddedProvider |
Service provider interface to identify a Firebird Embedded library.
FirebirdParameterMetaData |
Firebird extension to the ParameterMetaData interface.
FirebirdPreparedStatement |
Firebird extensions to the PreparedStatement interface.
FirebirdReservedWords |
All reserved words per Firebird version.
FirebirdResultSet |
Firebird-specific extensions to the ResultSet interface.
FirebirdResultSetMetaData |
Firebird-specific extensions to the ResultSetMetaData interface.
FirebirdSavepoint |
Firebird-specific extensions to the Savepoint interface.
FirebirdStatement |
Firebird-specific extensions to the Statement interface.
FirebirdSupportInfo |
Helper class that reports if a Firebird version supports a specific feature.
JNA wrapper for GDS_QUAD_t.
GDS_QUAD_t.ByReference |
GDS_QUAD_t.ByValue |
GDSException |
GDSExceptionHelper |
This class returns messages for the specified error code.
GDSExceptionHelper.GDSMessage |
This class wraps message template obtained from
file and allows to set parameters to the message.
GDSFactory |
The class GDSFactory exists to provide a way to obtain objects
implementing GDS and Clumplet.
GDSFactoryPlugin |
GDSHelper |
Helper class for all GDS-related operations.
GDSServerVersion |
Object representing a Firebird server version.
GDSServerVersionException |
Exception is thrown when server returns a version string in a format that
this driver does not understand.
GDSType |
Type-safe "enumeration" of the GDS types registered in the system.
GenericResponse |
GetAttributes |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getAttributes(String, String, String, String) .
GetBestRowIdentifier |
Provides the implementation of
DatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier(String, String, String, int, boolean) .
GetCatalogs |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getCatalogs() .
GetClientInfoProperties |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getClientInfoProperties() .
GetColumnPrivileges |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getColumnPrivileges(String, String, String, String) .
GetColumns |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(String, String, String, String) .
GetCrossReference |
Provides the implementation for DatabaseMetaData.getCrossReference(String, String, String, String, String, String) .
GetExportedKeys |
Provides the implementation for DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys(String, String, String) .
GetFunctionColumns |
Provides the implementation for DatabaseMetaData.getFunctionColumns(String, String, String, String) .
GetFunctions |
Provides the implementation for DatabaseMetaData.getFunctions(String, String, String) .
GetImportedKeys |
Provides the implementation for DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys(String, String, String) .
GetIndexInfo |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(String, String, String, boolean, boolean) .
GetPrimaryKeys |
Provides the implementation for DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys(String, String, String) .
GetProcedureColumns |
Provides the implementation for DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(String, String, String, String) .
GetProcedures |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures(String, String, String) .
GetPseudoColumns |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getPseudoColumns(String, String, String, String) .
GetSchemas |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getSchemas(String, String) .
GetSuperTables |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getSuperTables(String, String, String) .
GetSuperTypes |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getSuperTypes(String, String, String) .
GetTablePrivileges |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getTablePrivileges(String, String, String) .
GetTables |
GetTypeInfo |
Provides the implementation for DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo() .
GetUDTs |
Provides the implementation of DatabaseMetaData.getUDTs(String, String, String, int[]) .
GetVersionColumns |
IAttachProperties<T extends IAttachProperties<T>> |
Common properties for database and service attach.
IConnectionProperties |
Connection properties for the Firebird connection.
IEncodingFactory |
Interface for the EncodingFactory.
InfoProcessor<T> |
Functional interface to process an information buffer (responses to p_info_* requests) returning an object of type T.
InfoProcessor.StatementInfo |
Interface for information on a statement.
InfoTruncatedException |
Thrown to indicate that an info request buffer was truncated (isc_info_truncated ).
InternalApi |
Indicates that the annotated package, class, method or value is for internal use only.
InternalTransactionCoordinator |
InternalTransactionCoordinator.AbstractTransactionCoordinator |
InvalidPropertyValueException |
Exception thrown when a connection property has an invalid value.
IOUtils |
Utility methods for stream and byte array conversions.
JNA wrapper for ISC_ARRAY_BOUND.
JNA wrapper for ISC_ARRAY_DESC.
ISC_ARRAY_DESC.ByReference |
JNA wrapper for ISC_BLOB_DESC.
ISC_BLOB_DESC.ByReference |
JNA wrapper for ISC_STATUS.
JNA wrapper for ISC_TIMESTAMP.
ISCConstants |
Constants for Firebird features, parameter blocks and errors.
IServiceProperties |
Connection properties for a Firebird service attachment.
JavaTypeNameConstants |
String constants of the Java type names used in metadata and field access.
JaybirdErrorCodes |
Constants for Jaybird specific error codes.
JaybirdSystemProperties |
Class to access Jaybird-specific system properties from a single place.
JaybirdType |
SQLType definitions specific to Jaybird.
JaybirdTypeCodes |
Type codes specific for Jaybird.
JdbcTypeConverter |
Helper class to convert from Firebird and metadata type information to JDBC type information.
JnaAttachment |
JnaBlob |
Implementation of FbBlob for native client access.
JnaConnection<T extends IAttachProperties<T>,C extends JnaAttachment> |
Class handling the initial setup of the JNA connection.
JnaDatabase |
Implementation of FbDatabase for native client access.
JnaDatabaseConnection |
Class handling the initial setup of the JNA database connection.
JnaEventHandle |
Event handle for the JNA protocol.
JnaParameterConverter |
JnaService |
Implementation of FbService for native client access.
JnaServiceConnection |
Class handling the initial setup of the JNA service connection.
JnaStatement |
Implementation of FbStatement for native client access.
JnaTransaction |
KnownServerKey |
Class to hold server keys known to the client.
KnownServerKey.PluginSpecificData |
Class to hold plugin specific data.
LegacyAuthenticationPluginSpi |
Legacy authentication plugin service provider.
LittleEndianDatatypeCoder |
Datatype encoder and decoder for little endian platforms, specifically for use with the Firebird client library.
LocalStatementType |
Statement types.
LockCloseable |
Logger |
LoggerFactory |
MaintenanceManager |
A MaintenanceManager is responsible for replicating the
functionality provided by the gfix command-line tool.
MetadataPattern |
Holder of a database metadata pattern.
MetadataPattern.ConditionType |
MetadataPatternMatcher |
Emulates behavior of a database metadata pattern.
NativeGDSFactoryPlugin |
NativeLibraryLoadException |
Thrown when a native library could not be loaded.
NativeResourceTracker |
Class responsible for tracking loaded native resources for cleanup/disposal on exit.
NativeResourceUnloadWebListenerJakarta |
Servlet context listener for jakarta.servlet for unloading native libraries if loaded in the current context.
NativeResourceUnloadWebListenerJavaX |
Servlet context listener for javax.servlet for unloading native libraries if loaded in the current context.
NBackupManager |
Implements the incremental backup and restore functionality of NBackup
via the Firebird Services API.
NumericArgument |
Argument implementation for numeric (integer) values
NumericHelper |
Helper for numeric values.
OOGDSFactoryPlugin |
Operation |
An operation of the driver.
Operation.Type |
Type of operation.
OperationAware |
Allows monitoring of driver operations like the execution of statements.
OperationCloseHandle |
OperationMonitor |
The statement operation monitor allows monitoring of statement execution and fetching of all statements.
OverflowHandling |
How to handle overflows when rounding (converting) to a target decimal type.
PageSizeConstants |
Constants for page size supported by Firebird.
Parameter |
ParameterBuffer |
Instance of this interface represents a Parameter Buffer it is extended
by various parameter buffer interfaces.
ParameterBufferBase |
Base class for parameter buffers
ParameterBufferMetaData |
Additional metadata for parameter buffer behavior.
ParameterConverter<D extends AbstractConnection<IConnectionProperties,?>,S extends AbstractConnection<IServiceProperties,?>> |
Provides conversion of parameters (e.g.
ParameterTagMapping |
Mapping of connection parameter buffer item tags.
Primitives |
Helper methods for conversion to or from primitive values.
PrivilegeMapping |
Maps Firebird privilege codes (from RDB$USER_PRIVILEGES.RDB$PRIVILEGE ) to a privilege name.
PropertyConstants |
Property constants.
PropertyNames |
Property names and aliases used by Jaybird.
ProtocolCollection |
Collection of protocols for a connect request.
ProtocolDescriptor |
Descriptor of protocol information.
QuoteStrategy |
Strategy for quoting objects (or no quoting in the case of dialect 1).
ReflectionHelper |
Class containing static helper methods for reflective access.
ReservedWords |
Interface for reserved words checks.
Response |
RootCommonDataSource |
Root superclass for the datasources in Firebird.
RowDescriptor |
The class RowDescriptor is a java mapping of the XSQLDA server data structure used to describe the row
metadata of one row for input or output.
RowDescriptorBuilder |
RowValue |
Collection of values of fields.
RowValueBuilder |
ServiceConnectionProperties |
Properties for services.
ServiceListener |
Listener for service events.
ServiceListenerDispatcher |
ServiceManager |
The base Firebird Service API functionality.
ServiceParameterBuffer |
Instance of this interface represents a Service Parameter Buffer from the
Firebird API documentation and specifies the attributes for the Services API
ServiceParameterBufferImp |
Implementation of ServiceParameterBuffer.
ServiceParameterBufferImp.SpbMetaData |
ServiceRequestBuffer |
Instance of this interface represents a Service Request Buffer from the
Firebird API documentation and specifies the attributes for the Services API
ServiceRequestBufferImp |
Implementation of ServiceRequestBufferImp.
ServiceRequestBufferImp.SrbMetaData |
Signum |
Signum constants used in decimal-java
SingleItem |
Argument implementation for items without a value.
SpbItems |
Constants for SPB (service parameter buffer) items.
SqlCountHolder |
Class for holding the SQL counts (update, delete, select, insert) for a statement execution.
SqlCountProcessor |
Info processor for retrieving affected record count.
SQLExceptionChainBuilder<E extends java.sql.SQLException> |
Helper class for building SQLException chains.
SqlParser |
Simple visiting SQL parser.
SqlParser.Builder |
SqlResponse |
SQLStateConstants |
Constants with common SQLState values.
SqlTokenizer |
Converts a SQL statement into tokens.
SqlTokenizer.Builder |
Srp224AuthenticationPluginSpi |
Srp224 authentication plugin service provider.
Srp256AuthenticationPluginSpi |
Srp256 authentication plugin service provider.
Srp384AuthenticationPluginSpi |
Srp384 authentication plugin service provider.
Srp512AuthenticationPluginSpi |
Srp512 authentication plugin service provider.
SrpAuthenticationPluginSpi |
Srp (Srp using SHA-1) authentication plugin service provider.
SrpClient |
SRP client handshake implementation.
StandardBlobTypes |
Constants for standard Firebird blob subtypes.
StatementDetector |
Detects the type of statement, and - optionally - whether a DML statement has a RETURNING clause.
StatementIdentification |
Statement type identification.
StatementInfoProcessor |
StatementListener |
StatementListenerDispatcher |
StatementState |
StatementType |
Firebird statement types.
StaticValueDbCryptCallback |
Simple database encryption callback, provides a static value response to the callback
StaticValueDbCryptCallbackSpi |
Provider for a static value response database encryption callback.
StatisticsManager |
A StatisticsManager is responsible for replicating the functionality of the gstat command-line tool.
StatisticsManager.DatabaseTransactionInfo |
StoredProcedureMetaData |
Meta-information on stored procedures in a Firebird database.
StoredProcedureMetaDataFactory |
Factory to retrieve meta-data on stored procedures in a Firebird database.
StringArgument |
Argument implementation for String values
StringUtils |
Helper class for string operations
TableStatistics |
Snapshot of the table statistics of a connection (of the table reported by tableName ).
TemporaryFirebirdEmbeddedLibrary |
Information for locating a Firebird Embedded library.
TimeZoneDatatypeCoder |
TimeZoneDatatypeCoder.TimeZoneCodec |
Simpler API for encoding or decoding java.time types.
TimeZoneMapping |
Mapping of Firebird time zone ids.
Token |
A token is an individual element of a SQL statement.
TokenVisitor |
Visitor for tokens.
TpbItems |
Constants for TPB (transaction parameter buffer) items.
TraceManager |
Implements the Trace/Audit API available new in Firebird 2.5.
TransactionHelper |
Class with static helper methods for use with transactions
TransactionListener |
TransactionListenerDispatcher |
TransactionNameMapping |
Mapping of transaction names to JDBC transaction code and vice versa.
TransactionParameterBuffer |
Instances of this interface represent Transaction Parameter Buffer from the
Firebird API.
TransactionParameterBufferImpl |
TransactionParameterBufferImpl.TpbMetaData |
TransactionState |
Transactions states.
TrimmableField |
Trim behaviour of getString in string fields.
TypeConversionException |
This exception is thrown when the requested type conversion cannot be
TypedArgument |
Argument with an argument type.
TypeMetadata |
Helper class to determine type metadata conforming to expectations of DatabaseMetaData .
UnexpectedEndOfInputException |
Thrown when the tokenizer required a character, but instead the end of input was reached.
UnixCrypt |
User |
A user in the Firebird Security Database.
JNA wrapper for USER_SEC_DATA.
USER_SEC_DATA.ByReference |
UserManager |
The base Firebird Service API functionality.
V10AsynchronousChannel |
Asynchronous channel implementation for the V10 wire protocol.
V10Database |
V10InputBlob |
V10OutputBlob |
V10ParameterConverter |
V10Service |
V10Statement |
V10Transaction |
V10WireOperations |
V11Database |
V11ParameterConverter |
V11Statement |
V11WireOperations |
V12Database |
V12ParameterConverter |
V12Statement |
V13Database |
V13ParameterConverter |
V13Statement |
V13WireOperations |
V15Database |
V15WireOperations |
V16Database |
V16Statement |
V16WireOperations |
V18Database |
V18Statement |
VaxEncoding |
Helper methods for decoding Vax style (little endian) integers as used by Firebird from byte arrays.
Version |
Class to access information from org/firebirdsql/jaybird/ .
Version10Descriptor |
Version11Descriptor |
Version12Descriptor |
Version13Descriptor |
Version15Descriptor |
Version16Descriptor |
Version18Descriptor |
VisitorRegistrar |
Registrar for visitors that allows runtime removal or addition of visitors.
Volatile |
Indicates that the annotated class, method or value is volatile, and may change in a next version.
WarningMessageCallback |
Callback interface for passing warnings.
WinFbClientLibrary |
JNA library interface specifically for the Windows platform.
WinFbClientLibrary.FbShutdownStdCallback |
FbShutdown Callback following the StdCall conventions
WinFbClientLibrary.IscEventStdCallback |
IscEvent Callback following the StdCall conventions
WireConnection<T extends IAttachProperties<T>,C extends FbWireAttachment> |
Class managing the TCP/IP connection and initial handshaking with the Firebird server.
WireCrypt |
WireDatabaseConnection |
Wire connection instance for connecting to a database
WireEventHandle |
Event handle for the wire protocol.
WireGDSFactoryPlugin |
WireProtocolConstants |
Constants for wire protocol operations and messages.
WireServiceConnection |
Wire connection instance for connecting to a service.
XAConnectionHandler |
InvocationHandler for the logical connection returned by FBXAConnection.
XcaConnectionEvent |
The XcaConnectionEvent class provides information about the source of a connection related event.
XcaConnectionEvent.EventType |
XcaConnectionEventListener |
Listener to receives notification of events on a managed connection instance.
XcaConnectionManager |
The XcaConnectionManager can be used to modify the configuration of a connection, provide pooling or other
behaviour when allocating a new connection.
Xdrable |
The interface Xdrable represents an object that can read
and write itself from a strean in the xdr format used by the firebird
XdrInputStream |
XdrInputStream is an input stream for reading in data that
is in the XDR format.
XdrOutputStream |
An XdrOutputStream writes data in XDR format to an
underlying .
XdrStreamAccess |
JNA Wrapper for XSQLDA.
XSQLDA.ByReference |
XSQLDA.ByValue |
JNA wrapper for XSQLVAR.
XSQLVAR.ByReference |