Module org.firebirdsql.jaybird
module org.firebirdsql.jaybird
ExportsPackageDescriptionDefines the supported Firebird character sets and their mapping to Java character sets.Provides support for listening to Firebird events.ConvertsBigDecimal
to and from IEEE-754r (IEEE-754-2008) decimal byte representations.Low-level APIs for accessing a Firebird database server.This package contains classes for the pluggable GDS implementations.Arguments (code, type information and value) forParameterBufferBase
.Pure-java implementation ofGDSFactoryPlugin
and supporting classes.The Jaybird GDS-ng API provides the abstraction for connecting to Firebird either through a wire protocol implementation, a native firebird client or other means.SPI for Firebird database encryption callback.Low-level field (column or parameter) descriptors, row descriptors, and row values.Listener interfaces and supporting classes for
API.Interfaces for operation monitoring (experimental feature).Pure-java implementation of
API for the Firebird wire protocol.SPI for Firebird authentication plugins for the wire protocol implementation.SPI for Firebird wire protocol encryption plugins for the wire protocol implementation, and supporting classes.Constants for Firebird API values.APIs and constants for connection properties for attachments to a Firebird database or service API.Definition of a connection property and supporting classes.SPI to register connection properties with Jaybird.XCA (or ex-connector-architecture), is an internal API of Jaybird for connection management.Implementation of the JDBC API for the Firebird database.Implementation of fields for getting or setting result set columns or prepared statement parameters.APIs and implementation to manage or obtain information about the Firebird server or a specific database.Utility classes for use by Jaybird.