Class FatalErrorHelper

  • public final class FatalErrorHelper
    extends java.lang.Object
    Helper class for the exception handling in XCA framework. The JCA specification required a resource adapter to report an error if it is certain that no other operations can be executed over that particular managed connection.

    In case of Firebird, few errors belong to the so-called "fatal errors", after which client application cannot continue its job. For example, when a socket connection to the server is broken, any subsequent operation will fail. The XCA container should remove the connection from the pool in order to allow process to recover (when Firebird server is restarted).

    NOTE: Although these methods are intended for use within XCA, they can be used for other parts of Jaybird which have similar needs for connection error evaluation.

    Roman Rokytskyy, Mark Rotteveel
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static boolean isBrokenConnection​(java.lang.Exception exception)
      Checks whether exception indicates a broken connection.
      static boolean isFatal​(java.sql.SQLException exception)
      Check whether the specified exception is fatal from the XCA point of view.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • isFatal

        public static boolean isFatal​(java.sql.SQLException exception)
        Check whether the specified exception is fatal from the XCA point of view.
        exception - exception to check.
        true if the exception that happened is fatal
      • isBrokenConnection

        public static boolean isBrokenConnection​(java.lang.Exception exception)
        Checks whether exception indicates a broken connection. There is overlap with isFatal(SQLException), but neither is a subset of the other.

        Specifically, this method will check if the first SQLException in the cause-chain of exception (including exception itself) has a "broken connection error code" (a proper subset of "fatal error codes"), or otherwise of there is a SocketTimeoutException or SocketException in the cause-chain.

        NOTE: Exact checks done by this method may be revised in any point release, and above documentation should be considered illustrative, and not prescriptive.

        exception - exception to check
        true if the error code is signals a (possibly) broken connection