Users of Firebird 3 and 4 can use free open source IBSurgeon FTS UDR library to implement full text search procedures and functions for Firebird SQL, to run them in SQL queries, using the powerful capabilities of Lucene search engine.

UDR is based on Lucene++, the C++ implementation of Lucene search engine, to achieve the fastest search with true full text search capabilities. This UDR is 100% free and open source, with LGPL license.

Windows and Linux versions are available: for Windows we have ready-to-use binaries and for Linux it is necessary to build UDR to work on the specific distribution (we have easy building instruction).

The library is developed by the grant from IBSurgeon.

Download and Install Full Text Search UDR for Firebird

To install Lucene UDR, you need:

  1. Unpack the zip archive with dynamic libraries into the plugins/udr directory
  2. Execute the script fts$install.sql
    to register procedures and functions in an indexed database. For databases of the 1st SQL dialect, use the script fts$install_1.sql

You can download ready-made builds for Windows OS using the links:

Under Linux, you can compile the library yourself.

Download the demo database, for which the examples are prepared, using the following links:

Documentation in English and Russian is available at the links:

Get the latest version from GitHub: