Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 1.5.6 Release NotesSQL Language Enhancements → New Reserved Words
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New Reserved Words

The following new Firebird keywords should be added to the list of reserved words published for InterBase 6.0.1.

      BIGINT (1.5)     CASE (1.5)                 CURRENT_CONNECTION (1.5)
      RECREATE         ROW_COUNT (1.5)            RELEASE

The following keywords are reserved for future planned use:

      ABS              BOOLEAN                    BOTH
      LEADING          OCTET_LENGTH               TRIM
      TRAILING         TRUE                       UNKNOWN

The following keywords were reserved words in Firebird 1.0 and are no longer reserved in Firebird 1.5:

      BREAK            DESCRIPTOR                 FIRST
      IIF              SKIP                       SUBSTRING

The following non-reserved words are recognised in 1.5 as keywords when used in their respective structural contexts:

      COALESCE         DELETING                   INSERTING
      LAST             LEAVE                      LOCK
      NULLIF           NULLS                      STATEMENT
      UPDATING         USING

The following new InterBase 6.5 and 7 keywords (not reserved in Firebird) should also be treated as if they were reserved, for compatibility:

      BOOLEAN          FALSE                      GLOBAL
      PERCENT          PRESERVE                   ROWS
      TEMPORARY        TIES                       TRUE
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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 1.5.6 Release NotesSQL Language Enhancements → New Reserved Words