Class FBAbstractCommonDataSource

    • Field Detail


        protected static final java.lang.String REF_DATABASE_NAME
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final java.lang.String REF_PORT_NUMBER
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final java.lang.String REF_SERVER_NAME
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        protected static final java.lang.String REF_DESCRIPTION
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • lock

        protected final java.lang.Object lock
    • Constructor Detail

      • FBAbstractCommonDataSource

        public FBAbstractCommonDataSource()
    • Method Detail

      • checkNotStarted

        protected abstract void checkNotStarted()
                                         throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
        Method to check if this DataSource has not yet started.

        Implementations should throw IllegalStateException when the DataSource is already in use and modifying properties is not allowed.

        java.lang.IllegalStateException - When the DataSource is already in use
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
      • setDescription

        public void setDescription​(java.lang.String description)
      • getServerName

        public final java.lang.String getServerName()
      • setServerName

        public final void setServerName​(java.lang.String serverName)
      • getPortNumber

        public final int getPortNumber()
      • setPortNumber

        public final void setPortNumber​(int portNumber)
      • getDatabaseName

        public final java.lang.String getDatabaseName()
      • setDatabaseName

        public final void setDatabaseName​(java.lang.String databaseName)
        Sets the databaseName of this datasource.

        The databaseName is the filepath or alias of the database only, so it should not include serverName and portNumber.

        databaseName - Database name (filepath or alias)
      • getType

        public final java.lang.String getType()
        Specified by:
        getType in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        type of the connection, for example, "PURE_JAVA", "LOCAL", "EMBEDDED", depends on the GDS implementations installed in the system.
      • setType

        public final void setType​(java.lang.String type)
        Specified by:
        setType in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        type - type of the connection, for example, "PURE_JAVA", "LOCAL", "EMBEDDED", depends on the GDS implementations installed in the system.
      • getUser

        public java.lang.String getUser()
      • setUser

        public void setUser​(java.lang.String user)
      • setPassword

        public void setPassword​(java.lang.String password)
        Specified by:
        setPassword in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        password - password corresponding to the specified user name.
      • setCharSet

        public final void setCharSet​(java.lang.String charSet)
        Specified by:
        setCharSet in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        charSet - Character set for the connection. Similar to encoding property, but accepts Java names instead of Firebird ones.
      • setEncoding

        public final void setEncoding​(java.lang.String encoding)
        Specified by:
        setEncoding in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        encoding - Firebird name of the character encoding for the connection. See Firebird documentation for more information.
      • getLoginTimeout

        public int getLoginTimeout()
                            throws java.sql.SQLException

        This property is an alias for the connectTimeout property.

        Specified by:
        getLoginTimeout in interface javax.sql.CommonDataSource
      • setLoginTimeout

        public void setLoginTimeout​(int seconds)
                             throws java.sql.SQLException

        This property is an alias for the connectTimeout property.

        Specified by:
        setLoginTimeout in interface javax.sql.CommonDataSource
      • getDatabase

        public java.lang.String getDatabase()
        Specified by:
        getDatabase in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        path to the database including the server name and the port, if needed.
      • setDatabase

        public void setDatabase​(java.lang.String database)
        Specified by:
        setDatabase in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        database - path to the database including the server name and the port, if needed.
      • setUseStreamBlobs

        public void setUseStreamBlobs​(boolean useStreamBlobs)
        Specified by:
        setUseStreamBlobs in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        useStreamBlobs - true if stream blobs should be created, otherwise false.
      • setUseStandardUdf

        public void setUseStandardUdf​(boolean useStandardUdf)
        Specified by:
        setUseStandardUdf in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        useStandardUdf - true if driver should assume that standard UDF are installed.
      • isTimestampUsesLocalTimezone

        public boolean isTimestampUsesLocalTimezone()
        Specified by:
        isTimestampUsesLocalTimezone in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        true if the Jaybird 1.0 handling of the calendar in corresponding setters. This is also compatible with MySQL calendar treatment.
      • setTimestampUsesLocalTimezone

        public void setTimestampUsesLocalTimezone​(boolean timestampUsesLocalTimezone)
        Specified by:
        setTimestampUsesLocalTimezone in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        timestampUsesLocalTimezone - true if the Jaybird 1.0 handling of the calendar in corresponding setters. This is also compatible with MySQL calendar treatment.
      • getUserName

        public java.lang.String getUserName()
        Specified by:
        getUserName in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        name of the user that will be used when connecting to the database.
      • setUserName

        public void setUserName​(java.lang.String userName)
        Specified by:
        setUserName in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        userName - name of the user that will be used when connecting to the database.
      • getBuffersNumber

        public int getBuffersNumber()
        Specified by:
        getBuffersNumber in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        number of cache buffers that should be allocated for this connection, should be specified for ClassicServer instances, SuperServer has a server-wide configuration parameter.
      • setBuffersNumber

        public void setBuffersNumber​(int buffersNumber)
        Specified by:
        setBuffersNumber in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        buffersNumber - number of cache buffers that should be allocated for this connection, should be specified for ClassicServer instances, SuperServer has a server-wide configuration parameter.
      • setTpbMapping

        public void setTpbMapping​(java.lang.String tpbMapping)
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Set path to the properties file with the TPB mapping. The path begins with the protocol specification followed by the path to the resource. A special protocol "res:" should be used to specify resource in the classpath.

        For the compatibility reasons, if no protocol is specified, classpath is used by default.

        Properties file contains a mapping between the transaction isolation level (name of the constant in the Connection interface and a comma-separated list of TPB parameters.

        Specified by:
        setTpbMapping in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        tpbMapping - path to the properties file.
      • setDefaultIsolation

        public void setDefaultIsolation​(java.lang.String isolation)
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Set the default transaction isolation level as string. This method is complementary to the FirebirdConnectionProperties.setDefaultTransactionIsolation(int), however it takes a string as parameter instead of a numeric constant.

        Following strings are allowed:

        • "TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED" for a READ COMMITTED isolation level.
        • "TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ" for a REPEATABLE READ isolation level.
        • "TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE" for a SERIALIZABLE isolation level.
        Specified by:
        setDefaultIsolation in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        isolation - string constant representing a default isolation level.
      • setWireCrypt

        public void setWireCrypt​(java.lang.String wireCrypt)
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Sets the wire encryption level.

        Values are defined by WireCrypt, values are handled case insensitive. Invalid values are accepted, but will cause an error when a connection is established.

        Specified by:
        setWireCrypt in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        wireCrypt - Wire encryption level
      • setDbCryptConfig

        public void setDbCryptConfig​(java.lang.String dbCryptConfig)
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Sets the database encryption plugin configuration.
        Specified by:
        setDbCryptConfig in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        dbCryptConfig - Database encryption plugin configuration, meaning plugin specific
      • setAuthPlugins

        public void setAuthPlugins​(java.lang.String authPlugins)
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Sets the authentication plugins to try.

        Invalid names are skipped during authentication.

        Specified by:
        setAuthPlugins in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        authPlugins - comma-separated list of authentication plugins, or null for driver default
      • setGeneratedKeysEnabled

        public void setGeneratedKeysEnabled​(java.lang.String generatedKeysEnabled)
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Sets the generatedKeysEnabled configuration.
        Specified by:
        setGeneratedKeysEnabled in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        generatedKeysEnabled - Generated keys support configuration: default (or null/empty), disabled, ignored, or a list of statement types to enable (possible values: insert, update, delete, update_or_insert, merge)
      • setDataTypeBind

        public void setDataTypeBind​(java.lang.String dataTypeBind)
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Sets the dataTypeBind configuration.

        If the value is explicitly set to a non-null value and the connected server is Firebird 4 or higher, this will configure the data type binding with the specified values using isc_dpb_set_bind, which is equivalent to executing SET BIND statements with the values.

        See also Firebird documentation for SET BIND.

        Specified by:
        setDataTypeBind in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        dataTypeBind - Firebird 4+ data type bind configuration, a semicolon-separated list of <from-type> TO <to-type>
      • setSessionTimeZone

        public void setSessionTimeZone​(java.lang.String sessionTimeZone)
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Sets the sessionTimeZone.
        Specified by:
        setSessionTimeZone in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        sessionTimeZone - Firebird 4+ session time zone name (we strongly suggest to use Java compatible names only), use "server" to use server default time zone (note: conversion will use JVM default time zone)
      • setIgnoreProcedureType

        public void setIgnoreProcedureType​(boolean ignoreProcedureType)
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Sets the value ignoreProcedureType.

        When set to true, the CallableStatement implementation in Jaybird will ignore metadata information about the stored procedure type and default to using EXECUTE PROCEDURE, unless the type is explicitly set using FirebirdCallableStatement.setSelectableProcedure(boolean). This can be useful in situations where a stored procedure is selectable, but tooling or code expects an executable stored procedure.

        Specified by:
        setIgnoreProcedureType in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        ignoreProcedureType - true Ignore procedure type
      • isWireCompression

        public boolean isWireCompression()
        Description copied from interface: FirebirdConnectionProperties
        Get if wire compression should be enabled.

        Wire compression requires Firebird 3 or higher, and the server must have the zlib library. If compression cannot be negotiated, the connection will be made without wire compression.

        This property will be ignored for native connections. For native connections, the configuration in firebird.conf read by the client library will be used.

        Specified by:
        isWireCompression in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        true wire compression enabled
      • setNonStandardProperty

        public final void setNonStandardProperty​(java.lang.String propertyMapping)
        Method that allows setting non-standard property in the form "key=value" form. This method is needed by some containers to specify properties in the configuration.
        Specified by:
        setNonStandardProperty in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        propertyMapping - mapping between property name (key) and its value. Name and value are separated with "=", ":" or whitespace character. Whitespace characters on the beginning of the string and between key and value are ignored. No escaping is possible: "\n" is backslash-en, not a new line mark.
        See Also:
        setNonStandardProperty(String, String)
      • setNonStandardProperty

        public final void setNonStandardProperty​(java.lang.String key,
                                                 java.lang.String value)
        Method to set properties which are not exposed through JavaBeans-style setters.
        Specified by:
        setNonStandardProperty in interface FirebirdConnectionProperties
        key - Name of the property (see Jaybird releasenotes)
        value - Value of the property
        See Also:
      • setDatabase

        protected final void setDatabase()
        Sets the database property of connectionProperties.
      • setConnectionProperties

        protected final void setConnectionProperties​(FBConnectionProperties connectionProperties)
      • updateReference

        protected static void updateReference​(javax.naming.Reference ref,
                                              FBAbstractCommonDataSource instance)
        Updates the supplied reference with RefAddr properties relevant to this class.
        ref - Reference to update
        instance - Instance of this class to obtain values