Interface IEncodingFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface IEncodingFactory
    Interface for the EncodingFactory.

    Note on naming convention: normally the prefix I for interfaces is avoided in Java, in this particular case I decided to use it as the concrete class EncodingFactory is the actual factory and the main access for encoding related information. This interface is used for connection specific factories (eg so the defaultEncoding is the connection character set).

    Mark Rotteveel
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultEncoding

        Encoding getDefaultEncoding()
        The Encoding for Charset.defaultCharset().
      • getDefaultEncodingDefinition

        EncodingDefinition getDefaultEncodingDefinition()
        Returns the EncodingDefinition for the default platform character set.

        If the default character set is not supported by Jaybird, an instance of EncodingDefinition should be returned with Firebird encoding name "NONE".

        The EncodingDefinition for Charset.defaultCharset().
      • getEncodingDefinitionByFirebirdName

        EncodingDefinition getEncodingDefinitionByFirebirdName​(java.lang.String firebirdEncodingName)
        Looks up the EncodingDefinition for the specified Firebird encoding name.
        firebirdEncodingName - The Firebird encoding name (case insensitive)
        EncodingDefinition instance or null if the encoding name is unknown
      • getEncodingForFirebirdName

        Encoding getEncodingForFirebirdName​(java.lang.String firebirdEncodingName)
        Gets an Encoding for the specified Firebird encoding. If there is no known encoding for this name, or the loaded EncodingDefinition is information-only, then the defaultEncoding is used.
        firebirdEncodingName - The Firebird encoding name (case insensitive)
        Encoding instance (never null)
      • getEncodingDefinitionByCharacterSetId

        EncodingDefinition getEncodingDefinitionByCharacterSetId​(int firebirdCharacterSetId)
        Looks up the EncodingDefinition for the specified Firebird character set id.

        Implementations that do not know the connection character set should return null for the value ISCConstants.CS_dynamic (= 127), as that is the indicator to use the connection character set.

        firebirdCharacterSetId - Firebird character set id
        EncodingDefinition instance or null if the character set id is unknown or 127 and this implementation doesn't know the connection character set.
      • getEncodingForCharacterSetId

        Encoding getEncodingForCharacterSetId​(int firebirdCharacterSetId)
        Gets an Encoding for the specified Firebird character set id. If there is no known encoding for this character set id (or if it is 127, see getEncodingDefinitionByCharacterSetId(int)), or the loaded EncodingDefinition is information-only, then the defaultEncoding will be used.
        firebirdCharacterSetId - The Firebird character set id
        Encoding instance (never null)
      • getEncodingDefinitionByCharset

        EncodingDefinition getEncodingDefinitionByCharset​(java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
        Looks up an EncodingDefinition for the Java Charset.
        charset - The Java character set
        EncodingDefinition instance or null if the character set is not mapped
      • getEncodingForCharset

        Encoding getEncodingForCharset​(java.nio.charset.Charset charset,
                                       Encoding fallbackEncoding)
        Gets an Encoding for the specified Java character set. If there is no known encoding for this Charset, or the loaded EncodingDefinition is information-only, then the fallbackEncoding will be used.
        charset - The Java character set
        fallbackEncoding - The Encoding to use as fallback if no encoding is found (usually the connection encoding). If null, the defaultEncoding for the JVM is used.
        Encoding instance (never null)
        See Also:
      • getEncodingForCharset

        Encoding getEncodingForCharset​(java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
        Gets an Encoding for the specified Java character set. If there is no known encoding for this Charset, or the loaded EncodingDefinition is information-only, then the defaultEncoding will be used.
        charset - The Java character set
        Encoding instance (never null)
      • getEncodingDefinitionByCharsetAlias

        EncodingDefinition getEncodingDefinitionByCharsetAlias​(java.lang.String charsetAlias)
        Looks up the EncodingDefinition by the specified Java character set name or alias.
        charsetAlias - Name (or alias) of the Java character set (case insensitive)
        EncodingDefinition instance or null if the character set name is not mapped
      • getEncodingForCharsetAlias

        Encoding getEncodingForCharsetAlias​(java.lang.String charsetAlias)
        Gets an Encoding for the specified Java character set name or alias. If there is no known encoding for this name, or the loaded EncodingDefinition is information-only, then the defaultEncoding will be used.
        charsetAlias - The Java character set name or alias
        Encoding instance (never null)
      • getEncodingDefinition

        EncodingDefinition getEncodingDefinition​(java.lang.String firebirdEncodingName,
                                                 java.lang.String javaCharsetAlias)
        Gets or creates an EncodingDefinition for the supplied Firebird encoding and Java charset.

        When firebirdEncodingName is not null and javaCharsetAlias is null, then the encoding definition as returned by getEncodingDefinitionByFirebirdName(String) is returned. For the reverse (firebirdEncodingName is null and javaCharsetAlias isn't), the encoding definition as returned by getEncodingDefinitionByCharsetAlias(String) is returned.

        When both parameters are set, the result of getEncodingDefinitionByFirebirdName(String) is returned if the character set matches, otherwise a new DefaultEncodingDefinition is created based on its information, but with the specified character set. This can be useful for attempting to fix encoding issues in Firebird.

        If either of the parameters cannot be resolved, to an EncodingDefinition or Charset, or the EncodingDefinition is information-only - with the exception of Firebird encoding NONE - and no Java Charset is specified, then null is returned.

        firebirdEncodingName - Name of the Firebird encoding, or null to defer decision to the java Charset alias
        javaCharsetAlias - Alias of the Java character set, or null to defer decision to the Firebird encoding
        An EncodingDefinition or null if both parameters are null, no encoding was found or if an exception occurred.
      • withDefaultEncodingDefinition

        IEncodingFactory withDefaultEncodingDefinition​(EncodingDefinition encodingDefinition)
        Returns an IEncodingFactory that uses encodingDefinition as the default.
        encodingDefinition - The default encoding to use (or null for the value of getDefaultEncoding()
        IEncodingFactory instance with the specified default.
      • withDefaultEncodingDefinition

        IEncodingFactory withDefaultEncodingDefinition​(java.nio.charset.Charset charset)
        Returns an IEncodingFactory that uses an EncodingDefinition identified by charSet as the default.
        charset - The default charset to use.
        IEncodingFactory instance with the specified default.
      • getOrCreateDatatypeCoder

        <T extends DatatypeCoder> T getOrCreateDatatypeCoder​(java.lang.Class<T> datatypeCoderClass)
        Gets or - if necessary - creates a datatype coder of the specified type.

        In general this method should only be called from a static factory method on the datatype coder itself.

        Type Parameters:
        T - Type parameter of type DatatypeCoder
        datatypeCoderClass - Type of datatype coder, needs to have a single-arg constructor accepting an IEncodingFactory.
        New or cached instance of datatype coder