Interface ParameterBuffer

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addArgument​(int argumentType)
      Add argument with no parameters.
      void addArgument​(int argumentType, byte[] content)
      Add array of bytes.
      void addArgument​(int argumentType, int value)
      Add integer argument.
      void addArgument​(int argumentType, long value)
      Add long argument.
      void addArgument​(int argumentType, java.lang.String value)
      Add string argument with the default encoding.
      void addArgument​(int argumentType, java.lang.String value, Encoding encoding)
      Add string argument.
      int getArgumentAsInt​(int argumentType)
      Get argument as int.
      java.lang.String getArgumentAsString​(int argumentType)
      Get argument as string.
      int getType()  
      boolean hasArgument​(int argumentType)
      Check if this parameter buffer has specified argument.
      java.util.Iterator<Parameter> iterator()
      Returns an iterator over a copy of the parameters in this parameter buffer.
      void removeArgument​(int argumentType)
      Remove specified argument.
      int size()  
      byte[] toBytes()
      Converts this parameter buffer to a byte array.
      byte[] toBytesWithType()
      Converts this parameter buffer to a byte array with type information.
      Xdrable toXdrable()  
      void writeArgumentsTo​( outputStream)
      Writes the arguments in the implementation specific serialization into the OutputStream.
      • Methods inherited from interface java.lang.Iterable

        forEach, spliterator
    • Method Detail

      • getType

        int getType()
        The parameter buffer type identifier
      • addArgument

        void addArgument​(int argumentType)
        Add argument with no parameters.
        argumentType - type of argument.
      • addArgument

        void addArgument​(int argumentType,
                         java.lang.String value)
        Add string argument with the default encoding.
        argumentType - type of argument.
        value - string value to add.
      • addArgument

        void addArgument​(int argumentType,
                         java.lang.String value,
                         Encoding encoding)
        Add string argument.
        argumentType - type of argument.
        value - string value to add.
        encoding - encoding to use for conversion to bytes
      • addArgument

        void addArgument​(int argumentType,
                         int value)
        Add integer argument.
        argumentType - type of argument.
        value - integer value to add.
      • addArgument

        void addArgument​(int argumentType,
                         long value)
        Add long argument.
        argumentType - type of argument.
        value - long value to add.
      • addArgument

        void addArgument​(int argumentType,
                         byte[] content)
        Add array of bytes.
        argumentType - type of argument.
        content - content of argument.
      • removeArgument

        void removeArgument​(int argumentType)
        Remove specified argument.
        argumentType - type of argument to remove.
      • getArgumentAsString

        java.lang.String getArgumentAsString​(int argumentType)
        Get argument as string.
        argumentType - type of argument to find.
        argument as string or null if nothing found.
      • getArgumentAsInt

        int getArgumentAsInt​(int argumentType)
        Get argument as int.
        argumentType - type of argument to find.
        argument as string or 0 if nothing found.
      • hasArgument

        boolean hasArgument​(int argumentType)
        Check if this parameter buffer has specified argument.
        argumentType - type of argument to find.
        true if this buffer contains specified argument.
      • iterator

        java.util.Iterator<Parameter> iterator()
        Returns an iterator over a copy of the parameters in this parameter buffer.

        It is safe to iterate over this iterator while modifying the parameter buffer. Changes will not be reflected in the iterator.

        Specified by:
        iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<Parameter>
        Iterator over the parameters in this parameter buffer.
      • writeArgumentsTo

        void writeArgumentsTo​( outputStream)
        Writes the arguments in the implementation specific serialization into the OutputStream.
        outputStream - The OutputStream to write to
        Throws: - Errors produced by the output stream during writes
      • toXdrable

        Xdrable toXdrable()
        Xdrable to write (and optionally read) this instance as Xdr.
      • toBytes

        byte[] toBytes()
        Converts this parameter buffer to a byte array.

        This byte array includes the extra header-bytes (if any), but does not include the type information

        Byte array with serialization of this parameter buffer
        See Also:
      • toBytesWithType

        byte[] toBytesWithType()
        Converts this parameter buffer to a byte array with type information.

        This byte array includes the type information and the extra header bytes (if any).

        Byte array with serialization of this parameter buffer
        See Also:
      • size

        int size()
        the number of parameters stored.