Interface ParameterBufferMetaData

    • Method Detail

      • getType

        int getType()
        Parameter buffer type (this usually is the version of the parameter buffer).
        Buffer type (for example ISCConstants.isc_spb_version3).
      • addPreamble

        void addPreamble​(ParameterBuffer parameterBuffer)
        Allows the metadata to add a preamble to the parameter buffer.

        This is only intended for the weird "version 2" connection service parameter buffer that requires two tags for the version with isc_spb_version, isc_spb_current_version.

        parameterBuffer - Parameter buffer.
      • getStringArgumentType

        ArgumentType getStringArgumentType​(int tag)
        Gets the string argument type for the supplied tag.

        When the tag is not known (or unsupported for string arguments), then the default should be returned.

        tag - Tag (item type)
        Argument type (never null)
      • getByteArrayArgumentType

        ArgumentType getByteArrayArgumentType​(int tag)
        Gets the byte array argument type for the supplied tag.

        When the tag is not known (or unsupported for string arguments), then the default should be returned.

        tag - Tag (item type)
        Argument type (never null)
      • getIntegerArgumentType

        ArgumentType getIntegerArgumentType​(int tag)
        Gets the byte array argument type for the supplied tag.

        When the tag is not known (or unsupported for string arguments), then the default should be returned.

        tag - Tag (item type)
        Argument type (never null)