Class EncodingSpecificDatatypeCoder

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class EncodingSpecificDatatypeCoder
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements DatatypeCoder
    Datatype coder wrapping another datatype coder and applying a specific encoding definition, while delegating other methods to the wrapped datatype coder.
    Mark Rotteveel
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description createReader​( inputStream)
      Creates a reader wrapping an input stream. createWriter​( outputStream)
      Creates a writer wrapping an input stream.
      boolean decodeBoolean​(byte[] data)
      Decode boolean from supplied data.
      java.sql.Date decodeDate​(byte[] byte_int)
      Decode a byte array into a Date value.
      java.sql.Date decodeDate​(java.sql.Date d, java.util.Calendar cal)
      Decode a Date value using a given Calendar.
      java.sql.Date decodeDateCalendar​(byte[] byte_int, java.util.Calendar c)  
      DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct decodeDateRaw​(byte[] byte_int)
      Decode a byte array into a raw date time struct.
      Decimal128 decodeDecimal128​(byte[] data)
      Decodes a decimal128 from byte array.
      Decimal64 decodeDecimal64​(byte[] data)
      Decodes a decimal64 from byte array.
      double decodeDouble​(byte[] byte_int)
      Decode a byte array into a double value.
      float decodeFloat​(byte[] byte_int)
      Decode a byte array into a float value.
      int decodeInt​(byte[] byte_int)
      Decode a byte array into an int value.
      int decodeInt​(byte[] bytes, int fromIndex)
      Decode a byte array to an int value.
      java.math.BigInteger decodeInt128​(byte[] data)
      Decodes a BigInteger from byte array.
      long decodeLong​(byte[] byte_int)
      Decode a byte array into a long value.
      short decodeShort​(byte[] byte_int)
      Decode a byte array into a short value.
      short decodeShort​(byte[] bytes, int fromIndex)
      Decode from a byte array to a short value.
      java.lang.String decodeString​(byte[] value)
      Decode an encoded byte array into a String using the encoding of this datatype coder.
      java.sql.Time decodeTime​(byte[] int_byte)
      Decode a byte array into a Time value.
      java.sql.Time decodeTime​(java.sql.Time d, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean invertTimeZone)
      Decode a Time value using a given Calendar.
      java.sql.Time decodeTimeCalendar​(byte[] int_byte, java.util.Calendar c)  
      DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct decodeTimeRaw​(byte[] int_byte)
      Decode a byte array into a raw date time struct.
      java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestamp​(byte[] byte_long)
      Decode a 8-byte byte array into a Timestamp.
      java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value, java.util.Calendar cal)
      Decode a Timestamp value using a given Calendar.
      java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean invertTimeZone)
      Decode a Timestamp value using a given Calendar.
      java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestampCalendar​(byte[] byte_long, java.util.Calendar c)  
      DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct decodeTimestampRaw​(byte[] byte_long)
      Decode a 8-byte byte array into a raw date time struct.
      byte[] encodeBoolean​(boolean value)
      Encodes boolean to 1 byte data.
      byte[] encodeDate​(java.sql.Date d)
      Encode a Date value into a byte array.
      java.sql.Date encodeDate​(java.sql.Date d, java.util.Calendar cal)
      Encode a given Date value using a given Calendar.
      byte[] encodeDateCalendar​(java.sql.Date d, java.util.Calendar c)  
      byte[] encodeDateRaw​(DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct raw)
      Encode the date portion of a raw date time struct into a byte array.
      byte[] encodeDecimal128​(Decimal128 decimal128)
      Encodes a decimal128 to a byte array.
      byte[] encodeDecimal64​(Decimal64 decimal64)
      Encodes a decimal64 to a byte array.
      byte[] encodeDouble​(double value)
      Encode a double value as a byte array.
      byte[] encodeFloat​(float value)
      Encode a float value as a byte array.
      byte[] encodeInt​(int value)
      Encode an int value as a byte array.
      void encodeInt​(int value, byte[] target, int fromIndex)
      Encode an int value into the target byte array starting at index fromIndex.
      byte[] encodeInt128​(java.math.BigInteger bigInteger)
      Encodes a BigInteger to a 16-byte byte array.
      byte[] encodeLocalDate​(int year, int month, int day)
      Encodes a java.time.LocalDate equivalent to date bytes.
      byte[] encodeLocalDateTime​(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int nanos)
      Encodes a java.time.LocalDateTime equivalent to timestamp bytes.
      byte[] encodeLocalTime​(int hour, int minute, int second, int nanos)
      Encodes a java.time.LocalTime equivalent to time bytes.
      byte[] encodeLong​(long value)
      Encode a long value as a byte array.
      byte[] encodeShort​(int value)
      Encode a short value as a byte array.
      void encodeShort​(int value, byte[] target, int fromIndex)
      Encode a short value into the target byte array starting at index fromIndex.
      byte[] encodeShort​(short value)
      Encode a short value as a byte array.
      byte[] encodeString​(java.lang.String value)
      Encode a String value into a byte array using the encoding of this datatype coder.
      byte[] encodeTime​(java.sql.Time d)
      Encode a Time value into a byte array.
      java.sql.Time encodeTime​(java.sql.Time d, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean invertTimeZone)
      Encode a given Time value using a given Calendar.
      byte[] encodeTimeCalendar​(java.sql.Time d, java.util.Calendar c)  
      byte[] encodeTimeRaw​(DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct raw)
      Encode the time portion of a raw date time struct into a byte array.
      byte[] encodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value)
      Encode a Timestamp as a byte array.
      java.sql.Timestamp encodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value, java.util.Calendar cal)
      Encode a Timestamp using a given Calendar.
      java.sql.Timestamp encodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value, java.util.Calendar cal, boolean invertTimeZone)
      Encode a Timestamp using a given Calendar.
      byte[] encodeTimestampCalendar​(java.sql.Timestamp value, java.util.Calendar c)  
      byte[] encodeTimestampRaw​(DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct raw)
      Encode the date and time portions of a raw date time struct into a byte array.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      DatatypeCoder forEncodingDefinition​(EncodingDefinition encodingDefinition)
      Return a derived datatype coder that applies the supplied encoding definition for string conversions.
      Encoding getEncoding()  
      EncodingDefinition getEncodingDefinition()  
      IEncodingFactory getEncodingFactory()  
      int hashCode()  
      int sizeOfShort()
      The size of an encoded short in this data type coder.
      DatatypeCoder unwrap()
      Unwrap this datatype coder to its parent (or itself).
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • encodeString

        public byte[] encodeString​(java.lang.String value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a String value into a byte array using the encoding of this datatype coder.
        Specified by:
        encodeString in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The String to be encoded
        The value of value as a byte array
      • createWriter

        public createWriter​( outputStream)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Creates a writer wrapping an input stream.
        Specified by:
        createWriter in interface DatatypeCoder
        outputStream - Input stream
        Writer applying the encoding of this datatype when writing
      • decodeString

        public java.lang.String decodeString​(byte[] value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode an encoded byte array into a String using the encoding of this datatype coder.
        Specified by:
        decodeString in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be decoded
        The decoded String
      • createReader

        public createReader​( inputStream)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Creates a reader wrapping an input stream.
        Specified by:
        createReader in interface DatatypeCoder
        inputStream - Input stream
        Reader applying the encoding of this datatype coder when reading
      • forEncodingDefinition

        public DatatypeCoder forEncodingDefinition​(EncodingDefinition encodingDefinition)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Return a derived datatype coder that applies the supplied encoding definition for string conversions.
        Specified by:
        forEncodingDefinition in interface DatatypeCoder
        encodingDefinition - Encoding definition
        Derived datatype coder (may be this instance if encoding definition is the same)
      • getEncoding

        public Encoding getEncoding()
        Specified by:
        getEncoding in interface DatatypeCoder
        The encoding used by this datatype coder for string conversions.
      • unwrap

        public DatatypeCoder unwrap()
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Unwrap this datatype coder to its parent (or itself).
        Specified by:
        unwrap in interface DatatypeCoder
        Return the parent of this datatype code, or itself if it has no parent.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder

        Equality: same basic type (ie: wire protocol/JNA type + endianness) and same encoding definition.

        This does not need to take into account the encoding factory, as usage should be limited to datatype coders derived from the same connection.

        Specified by:
        equals in interface DatatypeCoder
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        o - Object to compare to
        true if other is an equivalent datatype coder.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Specified by:
        hashCode in interface DatatypeCoder
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • sizeOfShort

        public int sizeOfShort()
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        The size of an encoded short in this data type coder.
        Specified by:
        sizeOfShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        The size of an encoded short (either 2 or 4 bytes)
      • encodeShort

        public byte[] encodeShort​(short value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a short value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
        See Also:
      • encodeShort

        public byte[] encodeShort​(int value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a short value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • encodeShort

        public void encodeShort​(int value,
                                byte[] target,
                                int fromIndex)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a short value into the target byte array starting at index fromIndex.
        Specified by:
        encodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        target - Target byte array of sufficient size (warning: this may be datatype coder specific)
        fromIndex - Index to start writing
      • decodeShort

        public short decodeShort​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a short value.
        Specified by:
        decodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The short value of the decoded byte array
      • decodeShort

        public short decodeShort​(byte[] bytes,
                                 int fromIndex)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode from a byte array to a short value.
        Specified by:
        decodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        bytes - The byte array to be decoded
        fromIndex - The index to start reading
        The short value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeInt

        public byte[] encodeInt​(int value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode an int value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeInt in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • encodeInt

        public void encodeInt​(int value,
                              byte[] target,
                              int fromIndex)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode an int value into the target byte array starting at index fromIndex.
        Specified by:
        encodeInt in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        target - Target byte array of sufficient size
        fromIndex - Index to start writing
      • decodeInt

        public int decodeInt​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into an int value.
        Specified by:
        decodeInt in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The int value of the decoded byte array
      • decodeInt

        public int decodeInt​(byte[] bytes,
                             int fromIndex)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array to an int value.
        Specified by:
        decodeInt in interface DatatypeCoder
        bytes - The byte array to be decoded
        fromIndex - The index to start reading
        The int value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeLong

        public byte[] encodeLong​(long value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a long value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeLong in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • decodeLong

        public long decodeLong​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a long value.
        Specified by:
        decodeLong in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The long value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeFloat

        public byte[] encodeFloat​(float value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a float value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeFloat in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • decodeFloat

        public float decodeFloat​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a float value.
        Specified by:
        decodeFloat in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The float value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeDouble

        public byte[] encodeDouble​(double value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a double value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDouble in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • decodeDouble

        public double decodeDouble​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a double value.
        Specified by:
        decodeDouble in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The double value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp encodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                                  java.util.Calendar cal)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Timestamp using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be encoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used for encoding, may be null
      • encodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp encodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                                  java.util.Calendar cal,
                                                  boolean invertTimeZone)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Timestamp using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be encoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used for encoding, may be null
        invertTimeZone - If true, the timezone offset value will be subtracted from the encoded value, otherwise it will be added
        The encoded Timestamp
      • encodeTimestamp

        public byte[] encodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Timestamp as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be encoded
        The array of bytes that represents the given Timestamp value
      • encodeTimestampRaw

        public byte[] encodeTimestampRaw​(DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct raw)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode the date and time portions of a raw date time struct into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestampRaw in interface DatatypeCoder
        raw - The RawDateTimeStruct to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the date and time of the given RawDateTimeStruct
      • encodeTimestampCalendar

        public byte[] encodeTimestampCalendar​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                              java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestampCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • decodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                                  java.util.Calendar cal)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a Timestamp value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        decodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be decoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in decoding, may be null
        The decoded Timestamp
      • decodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                                  java.util.Calendar cal,
                                                  boolean invertTimeZone)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a Timestamp value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        decodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be decoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in decoding, may be null
        invertTimeZone - If true, the timezone offset value will be subtracted from the decoded value, otherwise it will be added
        The encoded Timestamp
      • decodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestamp​(byte[] byte_long)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a 8-byte byte array into a Timestamp.
        Specified by:
        decodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_long - The byte array to be decoded
        A Timestamp value from the decoded bytes
      • decodeTimestampCalendar

        public java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestampCalendar​(byte[] byte_long,
                                                          java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        decodeTimestampCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • encodeTime

        public java.sql.Time encodeTime​(java.sql.Time d,
                                        java.util.Calendar cal,
                                        boolean invertTimeZone)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a given Time value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        encodeTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Time to be encoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in the encoding, may be null
        The encoded Time
      • encodeTime

        public byte[] encodeTime​(java.sql.Time d)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Time value into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Time to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the given Time
      • encodeTimeRaw

        public byte[] encodeTimeRaw​(DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct raw)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode the time portion of a raw date time struct into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimeRaw in interface DatatypeCoder
        raw - The RawDateTimeStruct to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the time of the given RawDateTimeStruct
      • encodeTimeCalendar

        public byte[] encodeTimeCalendar​(java.sql.Time d,
                                         java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        encodeTimeCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • decodeTime

        public java.sql.Time decodeTime​(java.sql.Time d,
                                        java.util.Calendar cal,
                                        boolean invertTimeZone)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a Time value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        decodeTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Time to be decoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in the decoding, may be null
        The decooded Time
      • decodeTime

        public java.sql.Time decodeTime​(byte[] int_byte)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a Time value.
        Specified by:
        decodeTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        int_byte - The byte array to be decoded
        The decoded Time
      • decodeTimeCalendar

        public java.sql.Time decodeTimeCalendar​(byte[] int_byte,
                                                java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        decodeTimeCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • encodeDate

        public java.sql.Date encodeDate​(java.sql.Date d,
                                        java.util.Calendar cal)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a given Date value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        encodeDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Date to be encoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in the encoding, may be null
        The encoded Date
      • encodeDate

        public byte[] encodeDate​(java.sql.Date d)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Date value into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Date to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the given Date
      • encodeDateRaw

        public byte[] encodeDateRaw​(DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct raw)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode the date portion of a raw date time struct into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDateRaw in interface DatatypeCoder
        raw - The RawDateTimeStruct to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the date of the given RawDateTimeStruct
      • encodeDateCalendar

        public byte[] encodeDateCalendar​(java.sql.Date d,
                                         java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        encodeDateCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • decodeDate

        public java.sql.Date decodeDate​(java.sql.Date d,
                                        java.util.Calendar cal)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a Date value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        decodeDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Date to be decoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in the decoding, may be null
        The decoded Date
      • decodeDate

        public java.sql.Date decodeDate​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a Date value.
        Specified by:
        decodeDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The decoded Date
      • decodeDateCalendar

        public java.sql.Date decodeDateCalendar​(byte[] byte_int,
                                                java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        decodeDateCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • decodeBoolean

        public boolean decodeBoolean​(byte[] data)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode boolean from supplied data.
        Specified by:
        decodeBoolean in interface DatatypeCoder
        data - (expected) 1 bytes
        false when 0, true for all other values
      • encodeBoolean

        public byte[] encodeBoolean​(boolean value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes boolean to 1 byte data.
        Specified by:
        encodeBoolean in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - Boolean value to encode
        true as 1, false as 0.
      • encodeLocalTime

        public byte[] encodeLocalTime​(int hour,
                                      int minute,
                                      int second,
                                      int nanos)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a java.time.LocalTime equivalent to time bytes.
        Specified by:
        encodeLocalTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        hour - Number of hours (is assumed to be 0..23)
        minute - Number of minutes (is assumed to be 0..59)
        second - Number of seconds (is assumed to be 0..59)
        nanos - Sub-second nanoseconds (actual resolution is 100 microseconds, is assumed to be 0 .. 10^9 - 1 ns)
        Byte array for time
      • encodeLocalDate

        public byte[] encodeLocalDate​(int year,
                                      int month,
                                      int day)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a java.time.LocalDate equivalent to date bytes.
        Specified by:
        encodeLocalDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        year - Year
        month - Month (is assumed to be 1..12)
        day - Day (is assumed to be valid for year and month)
        Byte array for date
      • encodeLocalDateTime

        public byte[] encodeLocalDateTime​(int year,
                                          int month,
                                          int day,
                                          int hour,
                                          int minute,
                                          int second,
                                          int nanos)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a java.time.LocalDateTime equivalent to timestamp bytes.
        Specified by:
        encodeLocalDateTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        year - Year
        month - Month (is assumed to be 1..12)
        day - Day (is assumed to be valid for year and month)
        hour - Number of hours (is assumed to be 0..23)
        minute - Number of minutes (is assumed to be 0..59)
        second - Number of seconds (is assumed to be 0..59)
        nanos - Sub-second nanoseconds (actual resolution is 100 microseconds, is assumed to be 0 .. 10^9 - 1 ns)
        Byte array for timestamp
      • decodeDecimal64

        public Decimal64 decodeDecimal64​(byte[] data)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decodes a decimal64 from byte array.
        Specified by:
        decodeDecimal64 in interface DatatypeCoder
        data - Data to decode (expected 8 bytes)
        Decimal64 value
      • encodeDecimal64

        public byte[] encodeDecimal64​(Decimal64 decimal64)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a decimal64 to a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDecimal64 in interface DatatypeCoder
        decimal64 - The decimal64 value to be encoded
        Byte array for decimal64 value
      • decodeDecimal128

        public Decimal128 decodeDecimal128​(byte[] data)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decodes a decimal128 from byte array.
        Specified by:
        decodeDecimal128 in interface DatatypeCoder
        data - Data to decode (expected 16 bytes)
        Decimal128 value
      • encodeDecimal128

        public byte[] encodeDecimal128​(Decimal128 decimal128)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a decimal128 to a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDecimal128 in interface DatatypeCoder
        decimal128 - The decimal128 value to be encoded
        Byte array for decimal128 value
      • decodeInt128

        public java.math.BigInteger decodeInt128​(byte[] data)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decodes a BigInteger from byte array.
        Specified by:
        decodeInt128 in interface DatatypeCoder
        data - Data to decode (expected 16 bytes)
        BigInteger value
      • encodeInt128

        public byte[] encodeInt128​(java.math.BigInteger bigInteger)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a BigInteger to a 16-byte byte array.

        The implementation expects to be passed a value that fits in 16 bytes. If a larger value is passed, and IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        Specified by:
        encodeInt128 in interface DatatypeCoder
        bigInteger - The BigInteger value to be encoded
        Byte array for bigInteger value