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Using the -p switch override

Syntax for TCP/IP
Syntax for WNet redirection


Please note that this switch is available in Firebird 1.0.x, too, but was previously undocumented.

Starting the server with the optional -p switch enables you to override either the default port number (3050) or the default port service name (gds_db) that the server uses to listen for connection requests. The switch can override one, but not both.

From Firebird 1.5 onward, you can use the -p switch in combination with a configuration in firebird.conf to enable an override to both the port number and the port service name.

Syntax for TCP/IP

The command-line syntax for starting a server that applications are going to access through TCP/IP is as follows:

 server-command <other switches> -p port-number | service-name

For example, to start the Superserver as an application and override the service name gds_db with fb_db:

  fbserver -a -p fb_db

Or, to override port 3050 to 3051:

  fbserver -a -p 3051

Syntax for WNet redirection

On a WNet network (Named Pipes, NetBEUI), replace the -p switch argument syntax above with the following "backslash-backslash-dot-at" syntax:

  fbserver -a -p \\.@fb_db


  fbserver -a -p \\.@3051
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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 1.5.6 Release NotesConfiguring the Port Service on Client and Server → Using the -p switch override