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Configuration Files

Locating the initial configuration file
Configuration File Syntax - Parameters

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Locating the initial configuration file

Firebird Vulcan locates a configuration file by trying the following steps in this order:

  1. Translate the environmental variable VULCAN_CONF

  2. Open vulcan.conf in the program's default directory

  3. Open ~/.vulcan.conf - vulcan.conf in the user's home directory on Unix and Linux systems.

  4. Translate the environmental variable VULCAN and open client.conf there

  5. Translate the environmental variable FIREBIRD and open client.conf there

  6. Windows Registry for Windows systems only.-

    1. SOFTWARE\\Firebird Project\\Firebird Server\\Instances

    2. SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\Firebird

Include statements in the initial configuration file lead to other configuration files.

Configuration File Syntax - Parameters

The syntax for defining a parameter is the same as in Firebird.-

	<parameter name>[=] <value>[ <value>&]

A newline terminates the parameter definition. Boolean parameters accept the values yes, no, true, and false.


    RootDirectory    /opt/vulcan


    RootDirectory = /opt/vulcan

    provider remote engine11 services

    DatabaseFileShared true

Firebird Vulcan accepts all the parameters supported by Firebird 1.5 and a number of new parameters. The file firebird.conf documents the firebird specific parameters. This section describes the parameters specific to Firebird Vulcan.


Defaults to false. This parameter is normally used within the definition of a database object. If it is set to false, only one process can attach to the database at any one time. This is equivalent to embedded access or SuperServer access if the one process is the server.


Defaults to null (0x0). The parameter is provided so two or more copies of Firebird Vulcan can exist on a computer and ignore each other. That configuration, while important and powerful, is also dangerous unless carefully designed.


Defaults to “none”.

The permissible values are “none”, “self”, and the file name for a security database. Typically an installation's master.conf file will name a security database and the definitions of specific databases will override that definition with either “none” for databases that have no authentication, “self” for databases that contain their own authentication information, or an application-specific or installation-specific shared authentication database.


The name of a shared library that implements a particular service.


Defaults to zero. The flags are traceCalls 1, traceResults 2, and traceSQL 3. They can be combined.


Defaults to “SecurityDb”. No other manager is currently available. This parameter is part of the security management architecture to support security plugins.


- defaults to 200. This parameter will control the frequency of group commits under the unfinished commit manager.

Using Firebird Parameters

To emulate customized Firebird 1.5 behavior, you can add the line

    include $(root)firebird.conf

to the master.conf file in the installation directory.

However, many parameters are more useful when applied to a specific database, and those parameters can be set in the object definitions in Firebird Vulcan configuration files. Others, like SortMemSize, may be set differently for different processes and should be included in the vulcan.conf files for those processes.

Specific Installations

If you are setting up multiple independent copies of Firebird and Firebird Vulcan, you should create a configuration file in the root directory of each installation that includes these parameters.-

  • RootDirectory

  • LockFileName

  • SecurityDatabase

Resource Use

Some parameters should be set differently for different clients to distribute resources according to need.-

  • SortMemBlockSize

  • SortMemUpperLimit

  • DefaultDbCachePages

  • MaxUnflushedWrites

  • MaxUnflushedWriteTime

Deprecated Parameters

Changes in architecture make a number of Firebird parameters meaningless in Firebird Vulcan.-

  • RemoteFileOpenAbility--Firebird Vulcan does not support the ability to open databases through NFS mounts.

  • SortMemUpperLimit

  • CpuAffinityMask

  • TraceMemoryPools

  • LockSemCount

  • LockSignal

  • LockAcquireSpins

  • SolarisStallValue

  • PrioritySwitchDelay

  • DeadThreadsCollection

  • PriorityBoost

TCP Server Options

These parameters should be set in the server configuration file.-

  • GuardianOption

  • TcpRemoteBufferSize

  • TcpNoNagle

  • ConnectionTimeout

  • DummyPacketInterval

  • RemoteServiceName

  • RemoteServicePort

  • RemoteAuxPort

  • RemoteBindAddress

Non-TCP Server Options

These parameters should be set in a configuration file specific to the affected server.-

  • IpcMapSize

  • RemotePipeName

  • IpcName

  • ProcessPriorityLevel

  • CreateInternalWindow

Compatibility with Older Versions

These parameters should be set at the process or user level.-

  • OldParameterOrdering

  • OldColumnNaming [ANN :: CHECK PLEASE]

Lock and Event Manager Parameters

These parameters should be set at the installation level.-

  • LockMemSize

  • LockGrantOrder

  • LockHashSlots

  • DeadlockTimeout

  • EventMemSize

Access Control Parameters

These parameters should be set at the process or sever level.-

  • ExternalFileAccess

  • DatabaseAccess

  • UdfAccess

  • TempDirectories

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird Vulcan Release Notes v. 1.1The fb_config Utility → Configuration Files