Below you can find the list of Certified Firebird Professionals: name, the highest obtained level at the moment, date of the exam, and link to the personal page with details of certification.

# Name Exam Level Last exam date
1 Alcides Magno Baptista Moreira de Deus Basic DBA 22-NOV-2024
2 Rafael Gomes Ferreira Barbosa Basic DBA 22-NOV-2024
3 Francisco Carvalho Fernandes Basic DBA 22-NOV-2024
4 Ewerton Cavalcanti dos Santos Basic DBA 22-NOV-2024
5 Alan José Goulart Basic DBA 22-NOV-2024
6 Leandro Olivério de Carvalho Basic DBA 22-NOV-2024
7 Celso Marques Ferreira Basic DBA 22-NOV-2024
8 Lucas Alexandre de Oliveira Bernardes Basic DBA 22-NOV-2024