Firebird News and Events during April-May 2024:
June 21 New issue of EmberWings Magazine about Firebird
June 21 Detailed New Features Of Firebird 5, Part 6: Profiling
June 14 Jaybird 5.0.5 released
June 4 Firebird Configuration, episode 3: InlineSortThreshold and details of sortings
May 31 To Swap or Not To Swap? Some theory and practical examples from production servers.
May 29 Videos about Firebird Configuration: Episode 2, TempCacheLimit
May 27 1-step Linux installation scripts for Firebird
May 23 New version of IBSurgeon Full Text UDR is released
May 21 Perl extension DBD::Firebird version 1.38 is released
May 21 Firebird SQL Client Library for Kotlin Multiplatform
May 11 Firebird Camp in Brazil
May 6 Practical examples of migration to Firebird 5: databases 1.5Tb and 810Gb
April 11 Urgent and Important Message For Users of Firebird 2.5 on Linux