May - September 2017
May 2017
- Found / reported bugs: CORE-5533, CORE-5534, CORE-5537, CORE-5541, CORE-5542
- Created / modified QA tests for ~30 tracker tickets
- Found several issued related to DECFLOAT datatype
- Implemented unified batch for running .fbt against arbitrary list of FB services
- Refactored auxiliary Python-script for analyzing trace
- Reported server crashes on 2.5.8 caused by sweep which is started just after we kill attachments using mon$attachments
- Finished implementing separate tests for CORE-5525
- Implemented test to check replication during online DDL activities
June 2017
- Created / modified QA tests for ~10 tracker tickets
- Reported case when connect + disconnect took about 27 seconds on 2.5.8 Superclassic
- Finished checks of attach/detach time measuring using OLTP-EMUL (2.5.8 SuperClassic)
- OLTP-EMUL: ran test with 100 sessions, tested special build by Vlad Khorsun. Measured time spent on EDS attach/detach.
- Ran 'volatile-ddl' test for replication, checked new build by Dmitry Yemanov
July 2017
- Created / modified QA tests for ~10 tracker tickets
- Run all tests related to DECFLOAT by Alex's request
- Implemented aux script for analyzing trace: get aggregated info about applications that started Tx, their isolation level and min/avg/max lifetime of these transactions
- Implemented test related to DOUBLE PRECISION datatype. Check results when we try to operate with numeric values about zero and with very big magnitude.
- Detected and reported crash related to TRA_detach_request
- Started some investigations using experimental FB build with replication, provided by Dmitry Yemanov
August 2017
- Started implementation of batch for running all tests both on Srp and Legacy auth plugin with logging results into DB
- Continued runs of OLTP-EMUL against experimental build with replication support
September 2017
- Found / reported bugs: CORE-5609
- Created / modified QA tests for ~10 tracker tickets
- Continued work with batch for running all tests both on Srp and Legacy auth plugin with logging results into DB
- OLTP-EMUL: tested replication-enabled build, 15 sessions during 6 hours, by Dmitry's request
- VOLATILE-DDL: tested replication-enabled build, 10 DML sessions + 1 DDL session
- Detected and reported crash on DB with 1000+ attachments (2.5.8, SuperClassic). Related to broken memory pool.
Pavel Zotov
Moscow, Russian Federation