October 2017 - January 2018
January 2018
- Found / reported bugs: CORE-5706, CORE-5724
- Created / modified QA tests for 9 tracker tickets
- Failed restore always sends error messages to STDOUT rather than to STDERR
- Fixed tests with false negative results
- Nbackup: unable to establish new attachments when delta is merged into main DB file
- OLTP-EMUL: resumed refactoring in order to reduce occurences of pending request count entries
- OLTP-EMUL, 300 attachments, 2.5.8 SC: database file remain opened by several fb_smp_server processes after closing all sessions
- Tested asynchronous replication under load
December 2017
- Found / reported bugs: CORE-5680, CORE-5684
- Created / modified QA tests for 9 tracker tickets
- fb_lock_print sends error message(s) "Unable to open the database file" / "Unable to access lock table" to STDOUT rather than STDERR
- Parameter "log_errors = true" in the "Service" section of trace config did not lead to logging of restore error
- CREATE DATABASE failed if user/password are specified after 'default character set' clause
- Command "SHOW USERS" does not display authentification plugin that was used for creating of each user
- Collected backtraces for long connection attempts under load
November 2017
- Found / reported bugs: CORE-5664, CORE-5667
- Created / modified QA tests for 11 tracker tickets
- Got "335544382 : request size limit exceeded" error when tried to execute "select from rdb$database LEFT JOIN " and nested depth is 5
- Implemented auxiliary batch for generate DDL with a lot of master-child relations ("star" schema) and query using LEFT JOINS
- Tested asynchronous replication under load
October 2017
- Found / reported bugs: CORE-5640, CORE-5641, CORE-5643
- Created / modified QA tests for 5 tracker tickets
- Tested external connection pool per Vlad's request
- Started implementing script that measures time to establish new connection and dumps backtraces
- Found too slow (> 5s) connect to database when there are more than 1000+ attachments
- OLTP-EMUL, 30 sessions (Win 8.1, 12 Gb RAM): too slow running "nbackup -N" when delta is more than 200 Mb
Pavel Zotov
Moscow, Russian Federation