Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.5 Release NotesConfiguration Parameter Additions and Changes → Authentication
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A. Peshkov

Changes in V.2.5

On Windows server platforms, since V.2.1, Authentication has been used for configuring the server authentication mode if you need it to be other than the default.

The mode settings for v.2.5 are the same, viz.

Changes in V.2.5

  • Under v.2.5, although the modes are unchanged, configuring 'mixed' or 'trusted' mode no longer confers SYSDBA privileges on Windows domain administrators automatically by default. Please read the notes in the Administrative Features chapter regarding the new RDB$ADMIN role in ODS 11.2 databases and auto-mapping SYSDBA privileges to domain administrators.

  • The default configuration has been changed from mixed to native. To enable trusted user authentication (whether mixed or trusted, it is now necessary to configure this parameter specifically.

    Tracker reference CORE-2376

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.5 Release NotesConfiguration Parameter Additions and Changes → Authentication