Class DefaultDatatypeCoder

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultDatatypeCoder

        public DefaultDatatypeCoder​(IEncodingFactory encodingFactory)
        Creates a default datatype coder for the wire protocol.

        In almost all cases, it is better to use forEncodingFactory(IEncodingFactory).

        encodingFactory - Encoding factory
    • Method Detail

      • forEncodingFactory

        public static DefaultDatatypeCoder forEncodingFactory​(IEncodingFactory encodingFactory)
        Returns an instance of DefaultDatatypeCoder for an encoding factory.
        encodingFactory - Encoding factory
        Datatype coder, this might be a cached instance
      • sizeOfShort

        public int sizeOfShort()
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        The size of an encoded short in this data type coder.
        Specified by:
        sizeOfShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        The size of an encoded short (either 2 or 4 bytes)
      • encodeShort

        public byte[] encodeShort​(short value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a short value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
        See Also:
      • encodeShort

        public byte[] encodeShort​(int value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a short value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • encodeShort

        public void encodeShort​(int value,
                                byte[] target,
                                int fromIndex)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a short value into the target byte array starting at index fromIndex.
        Specified by:
        encodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        target - Target byte array of sufficient size (warning: this may be datatype coder specific)
        fromIndex - Index to start writing
      • decodeShort

        public short decodeShort​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a short value.
        Specified by:
        decodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The short value of the decoded byte array
      • decodeShort

        public short decodeShort​(byte[] bytes,
                                 int fromIndex)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode from a byte array to a short value.
        Specified by:
        decodeShort in interface DatatypeCoder
        bytes - The byte array to be decoded
        fromIndex - The index to start reading
        The short value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeInt

        public byte[] encodeInt​(int value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode an int value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeInt in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • encodeInt

        public void encodeInt​(int value,
                              byte[] target,
                              int fromIndex)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode an int value into the target byte array starting at index fromIndex.
        Specified by:
        encodeInt in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        target - Target byte array of sufficient size
        fromIndex - Index to start writing
      • intToBytes

        protected byte[] intToBytes​(int value)
        Encode an int value as a byte array in network-order(big-endian) representation.
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • decodeInt

        public int decodeInt​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into an int value.
        Specified by:
        decodeInt in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The int value of the decoded byte array
      • decodeInt

        public int decodeInt​(byte[] bytes,
                             int fromIndex)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array to an int value.
        Specified by:
        decodeInt in interface DatatypeCoder
        bytes - The byte array to be decoded
        fromIndex - The index to start reading
        The int value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeLong

        public byte[] encodeLong​(long value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a long value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeLong in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • decodeLong

        public long decodeLong​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a long value.
        Specified by:
        decodeLong in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The long value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeFloat

        public byte[] encodeFloat​(float value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a float value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeFloat in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • decodeFloat

        public float decodeFloat​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a float value.
        Specified by:
        decodeFloat in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The float value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeDouble

        public byte[] encodeDouble​(double value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a double value as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDouble in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be encoded
        The value of value encoded as a byte array
      • decodeDouble

        public double decodeDouble​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a double value.
        Specified by:
        decodeDouble in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The double value of the decoded byte array
      • encodeString

        public final byte[] encodeString​(java.lang.String value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a String value into a byte array using the encoding of this datatype coder.
        Specified by:
        encodeString in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The String to be encoded
        The value of value as a byte array
      • createWriter

        public final createWriter​( outputStream)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Creates a writer wrapping an input stream.
        Specified by:
        createWriter in interface DatatypeCoder
        outputStream - Input stream
        Writer applying the encoding of this datatype when writing
      • decodeString

        public final java.lang.String decodeString​(byte[] value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode an encoded byte array into a String using the encoding of this datatype coder.
        Specified by:
        decodeString in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The value to be decoded
        The decoded String
      • createReader

        public final createReader​( inputStream)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Creates a reader wrapping an input stream.
        Specified by:
        createReader in interface DatatypeCoder
        inputStream - Input stream
        Reader applying the encoding of this datatype coder when reading
      • encodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp encodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                                  java.util.Calendar cal)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Timestamp using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be encoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used for encoding, may be null
      • encodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp encodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                                  java.util.Calendar cal,
                                                  boolean invertTimeZone)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Timestamp using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be encoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used for encoding, may be null
        invertTimeZone - If true, the timezone offset value will be subtracted from the encoded value, otherwise it will be added
        The encoded Timestamp
      • encodeTimestamp

        public byte[] encodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Timestamp as a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be encoded
        The array of bytes that represents the given Timestamp value
      • encodeTimestampRaw

        public byte[] encodeTimestampRaw​(DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct raw)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode the date and time portions of a raw date time struct into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestampRaw in interface DatatypeCoder
        raw - The RawDateTimeStruct to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the date and time of the given RawDateTimeStruct
      • encodeTimestampCalendar

        public byte[] encodeTimestampCalendar​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                              java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        encodeTimestampCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • decodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                                  java.util.Calendar cal)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a Timestamp value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        decodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be decoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in decoding, may be null
        The decoded Timestamp
      • decodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestamp​(java.sql.Timestamp value,
                                                  java.util.Calendar cal,
                                                  boolean invertTimeZone)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a Timestamp value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        decodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - The Timestamp to be decoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in decoding, may be null
        invertTimeZone - If true, the timezone offset value will be subtracted from the decoded value, otherwise it will be added
        The encoded Timestamp
      • decodeTimestamp

        public java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestamp​(byte[] byte_long)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a 8-byte byte array into a Timestamp.
        Specified by:
        decodeTimestamp in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_long - The byte array to be decoded
        A Timestamp value from the decoded bytes
      • decodeTimestampCalendar

        public java.sql.Timestamp decodeTimestampCalendar​(byte[] byte_long,
                                                          java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        decodeTimestampCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • encodeTime

        public java.sql.Time encodeTime​(java.sql.Time d,
                                        java.util.Calendar cal,
                                        boolean invertTimeZone)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a given Time value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        encodeTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Time to be encoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in the encoding, may be null
        The encoded Time
      • encodeTime

        public byte[] encodeTime​(java.sql.Time d)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Time value into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Time to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the given Time
      • encodeTimeRaw

        public byte[] encodeTimeRaw​(DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct raw)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode the time portion of a raw date time struct into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeTimeRaw in interface DatatypeCoder
        raw - The RawDateTimeStruct to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the time of the given RawDateTimeStruct
      • encodeTimeCalendar

        public byte[] encodeTimeCalendar​(java.sql.Time d,
                                         java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        encodeTimeCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • decodeTime

        public java.sql.Time decodeTime​(java.sql.Time d,
                                        java.util.Calendar cal,
                                        boolean invertTimeZone)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a Time value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        decodeTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Time to be decoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in the decoding, may be null
        The decooded Time
      • decodeTime

        public java.sql.Time decodeTime​(byte[] int_byte)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a Time value.
        Specified by:
        decodeTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        int_byte - The byte array to be decoded
        The decoded Time
      • decodeTimeCalendar

        public java.sql.Time decodeTimeCalendar​(byte[] int_byte,
                                                java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        decodeTimeCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • encodeDate

        public java.sql.Date encodeDate​(java.sql.Date d,
                                        java.util.Calendar cal)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a given Date value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        encodeDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Date to be encoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in the encoding, may be null
        The encoded Date
      • encodeDate

        public byte[] encodeDate​(java.sql.Date d)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode a Date value into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Date to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the given Date
      • encodeDateRaw

        public byte[] encodeDateRaw​(DatatypeCoder.RawDateTimeStruct raw)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encode the date portion of a raw date time struct into a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDateRaw in interface DatatypeCoder
        raw - The RawDateTimeStruct to be encoded
        The array of bytes representing the date of the given RawDateTimeStruct
      • encodeDateCalendar

        public byte[] encodeDateCalendar​(java.sql.Date d,
                                         java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        encodeDateCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • decodeDate

        public java.sql.Date decodeDate​(java.sql.Date d,
                                        java.util.Calendar cal)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a Date value using a given Calendar.
        Specified by:
        decodeDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        d - The Date to be decoded
        cal - The Calendar to be used in the decoding, may be null
        The decoded Date
      • decodeDate

        public java.sql.Date decodeDate​(byte[] byte_int)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode a byte array into a Date value.
        Specified by:
        decodeDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        byte_int - The byte array to be decoded
        The decoded Date
      • decodeDateCalendar

        public java.sql.Date decodeDateCalendar​(byte[] byte_int,
                                                java.util.Calendar c)
        Specified by:
        decodeDateCalendar in interface DatatypeCoder
      • decodeBoolean

        public boolean decodeBoolean​(byte[] data)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decode boolean from supplied data.
        Specified by:
        decodeBoolean in interface DatatypeCoder
        data - (expected) 1 bytes
        false when 0, true for all other values
      • encodeBoolean

        public byte[] encodeBoolean​(boolean value)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes boolean to 1 byte data.
        Specified by:
        encodeBoolean in interface DatatypeCoder
        value - Boolean value to encode
        true as 1, false as 0.
      • encodeLocalTime

        public byte[] encodeLocalTime​(int hour,
                                      int minute,
                                      int second,
                                      int nanos)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a java.time.LocalTime equivalent to time bytes.
        Specified by:
        encodeLocalTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        hour - Number of hours (is assumed to be 0..23)
        minute - Number of minutes (is assumed to be 0..59)
        second - Number of seconds (is assumed to be 0..59)
        nanos - Sub-second nanoseconds (actual resolution is 100 microseconds, is assumed to be 0 .. 10^9 - 1 ns)
        Byte array for time
      • encodeLocalDate

        public byte[] encodeLocalDate​(int year,
                                      int month,
                                      int day)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a java.time.LocalDate equivalent to date bytes.
        Specified by:
        encodeLocalDate in interface DatatypeCoder
        year - Year
        month - Month (is assumed to be 1..12)
        day - Day (is assumed to be valid for year and month)
        Byte array for date
      • encodeLocalDateTime

        public byte[] encodeLocalDateTime​(int year,
                                          int month,
                                          int day,
                                          int hour,
                                          int minute,
                                          int second,
                                          int nanos)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a java.time.LocalDateTime equivalent to timestamp bytes.
        Specified by:
        encodeLocalDateTime in interface DatatypeCoder
        year - Year
        month - Month (is assumed to be 1..12)
        day - Day (is assumed to be valid for year and month)
        hour - Number of hours (is assumed to be 0..23)
        minute - Number of minutes (is assumed to be 0..59)
        second - Number of seconds (is assumed to be 0..59)
        nanos - Sub-second nanoseconds (actual resolution is 100 microseconds, is assumed to be 0 .. 10^9 - 1 ns)
        Byte array for timestamp
      • decodeDecimal64

        public Decimal64 decodeDecimal64​(byte[] data)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decodes a decimal64 from byte array.
        Specified by:
        decodeDecimal64 in interface DatatypeCoder
        data - Data to decode (expected 8 bytes)
        Decimal64 value
      • encodeDecimal64

        public byte[] encodeDecimal64​(Decimal64 decimal64)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a decimal64 to a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDecimal64 in interface DatatypeCoder
        decimal64 - The decimal64 value to be encoded
        Byte array for decimal64 value
      • decodeDecimal128

        public Decimal128 decodeDecimal128​(byte[] data)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decodes a decimal128 from byte array.
        Specified by:
        decodeDecimal128 in interface DatatypeCoder
        data - Data to decode (expected 16 bytes)
        Decimal128 value
      • encodeDecimal128

        public byte[] encodeDecimal128​(Decimal128 decimal128)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a decimal128 to a byte array.
        Specified by:
        encodeDecimal128 in interface DatatypeCoder
        decimal128 - The decimal128 value to be encoded
        Byte array for decimal128 value
      • decodeInt128

        public java.math.BigInteger decodeInt128​(byte[] data)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Decodes a BigInteger from byte array.
        Specified by:
        decodeInt128 in interface DatatypeCoder
        data - Data to decode (expected 16 bytes)
        BigInteger value
      • encodeInt128

        public byte[] encodeInt128​(java.math.BigInteger bigInteger)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Encodes a BigInteger to a 16-byte byte array.

        The implementation expects to be passed a value that fits in 16 bytes. If a larger value is passed, and IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

        Specified by:
        encodeInt128 in interface DatatypeCoder
        bigInteger - The BigInteger value to be encoded
        Byte array for bigInteger value
      • getEncoding

        public final Encoding getEncoding()
        Specified by:
        getEncoding in interface DatatypeCoder
        The encoding used by this datatype coder for string conversions.
      • forEncodingDefinition

        public final DatatypeCoder forEncodingDefinition​(EncodingDefinition encodingDefinition)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Return a derived datatype coder that applies the supplied encoding definition for string conversions.
        Specified by:
        forEncodingDefinition in interface DatatypeCoder
        encodingDefinition - Encoding definition
        Derived datatype coder (may be this instance if encoding definition is the same)
      • unwrap

        public DatatypeCoder unwrap()
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder
        Unwrap this datatype coder to its parent (or itself).
        Specified by:
        unwrap in interface DatatypeCoder
        Return the parent of this datatype code, or itself if it has no parent.
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        Description copied from interface: DatatypeCoder

        Equality: same basic type (ie: wire protocol/JNA type + endianness) and same encoding definition.

        This does not need to take into account the encoding factory, as usage should be limited to datatype coders derived from the same connection.

        Specified by:
        equals in interface DatatypeCoder
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        o - Object to compare to
        true if other is an equivalent datatype coder.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        Specified by:
        hashCode in interface DatatypeCoder
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object