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Sub-release 2.0.3

Known Issues

This sub-release does not add any new functionality to the database engine but fixes two significant bugs, one of which caused the v.2.0.2 sub-release to be recalled a week after it was released.

To all intents and purposes, therefore, this is the sub-release following sub-release 2.0.1. However, in the interim, the port of Firebird 2.0.3 to Solaris 2.10 (Solaris 10) has been completed for both Intel and SPARC platforms.


Please be sure to uninstall Firebird 2.0.2. It should not be necessary to revert databases to pre-2.0.2 state but, if you used EXECUTE STATEMENT to operate on varchars, varchar data written from results might have suffered truncation.

Known Issues

A regression appeared after v.2.0.1, whereby events cannot work across the WNet protocol. A call to isc_que_events() will cause the server to crash. (Tracker ID CORE-1460).

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Firebird Documentation IndexFirebird 2.0.6 Release NotesGeneral Notes → Sub-release 2.0.3